Monday, December 27, 2010

Speaking of Bullies...Underdogs, How Dare You?

Recently I was nominated for the Canadian Weblog Awards 2010 People's Choice category.  I believe it was this post that got me the nomination.  I kind of stepped out of my mundane journaling box with that post and the rest is history.

Once the voting started I believe I honestly didn't have a hope in hell to win, or even be in the top 3.  I am a blogging underdog,  who got stuck in a poll with a ruthless top dog.   Lucky for me I have a wonderful network full of people with OCD who actually care about me and wanted to see me kick some ass succeed...they worked diligently posting reference to my blog, emailing their entire contact lists, texting and talking, facebooking and sharing.  It fired my neurons with excitement, I actually had a chance.  This little unknown blogger gained some momentum and started to take the first place spot.  Then this ass came along.  She calls herself a minx but I think weasel (small, active predator, long and slender with short legs) would've been a better fit.

Then the hits came. More hits on my blog, more hits on the voting but,  the hits soon turned to punches.  Low blows like the one in my first paragraph which felt so good is totally beneath me, I realize that but, I have to add some sort of humor in all this, otherwise it's just not honestly me writing.

According to some my blog was a snore, I was cuckoo (okay that one was bang on), I was a terrible lazy blogger who had no right to go toe-to-toe, and then I was a cheater.  Interesting that I am a small-time blogger with a poor design and I don't rank on Alexa (whatever that is) but, I somehow can manage to cheat on a fucking web poll and masterminded the whole thing while I was working a full time job, preparing for 3 family Christmases, baking and decorating gingerbread cookies for bake sales, attending school concerts and travelling to 3 separate out of town gatherings?  I'm more talented than Harry Potter I ever thought....apparently.

The final straw was when I saw that comments were infiltrating the Weblog Awards themselves and the attackers mother was on there calling everyone hater trolls and the administrator of the awards was observantly irritated with what was going on.  It is the Canadian Weblogs Awards position to maintain a free and public award system which will not be tainted by the creators personal opinion or infiltrated to police nominees behavior surrounding the awards. At first I felt like this was a no contest plea by the administrator and just another bullying bystander who was not willing to intervene but, after processing a bit I understand the position completely and agree with it.  There will be no People's Choice category in 2011 to eliminate any small people from ruining incidence like this from ever happening again.

I hate that I've even been named or involved in this whole shenanigan and my only comfort is that I kept my dignity and moral footing.  A friend wrote to me "Rest assured that you were second technically, but ethically you came in first!"  That was much more important than winning any sort of popularity contest or winning something at any and all costs, even if it meant tearing apart the other contenders in the process.

I'm glad that I have arrived at the final stage of the Kübler-Ross model which generally refers to the process you go through in the face of tragedy but, I find it usually applies to most difficult situations that provoke thought or emotions.

Stage 1 - Denial:  "Oh no, she didn't" / "She can't be referring to me" / "If I just ignore it, it will go away"

Stage 2 - Anger:  "Why me?" / "What did I do to deserve such hateful attention?" / "I'm going to fire back, I don't care if it's not "big" of me." / "I wish I lived in Toronto, I find her and kick her in her opinion with my ninja boots."

Stage 3 - Bargaining:  "I will send her a nice message, ya that'll work, kill em' with kindness" / "If I win, it'll all be worth it so, it's all good."

Stage 4 - Depression:  "Ugh, I don't care anymore" / "I wish I was never nominated, never blogged, never did anything that people could criticize me for." / "It's all pointless and stupid, I just want to cry and sleep and cry some more."

Stage 5 - Acceptance:  "It's not the end of the world" / "I still have things to say" / "Who cares if 1 person thinks the worst of me, I am not the jackass whisperer."

I decided to withdraw from the voting because the whole thing got ugly and jaded and it just became about winning.  The original  meaning behind the award got thrown out the window and it wasn't fun anymore.  I'm happy that the attacker will win it, she deserves it and has worked hard to obtain it.  Blogging is something I do, it doesn't define me.  It is not my entire life, only the most significant a small part of it.  I certainly do not want to covet an award or need one for validation...feel free to nominate me for every category next year.

I believe the entire experience was a total pain in the ass lesson for me, I still have more to learn.  So I blog on, good or not, award worthy or not.

I would like to thank everyone who broke into houses to use alternate IP addresses read, voted and supported....sorry to have wasted your time and energy but, I felt like withdrawing was the only way to end this with my mind dignity intact.

Now for some lyrical genius by The Time totally related unrelated:

Body of a superstar
The mind of a 10-year-old
She wants 2 take U 4 a ride
The Stella has hair of gold
The lights are on upstairs
But is anybody home?
She's not lookin' 4 a man
The girly wants 2 be alone

She's the queen of glamorous, everything is right
All the fellas have a fit anytime she walks by
This woman would be dangerous if she had a mind
When Blondie tells U what U want 2 hear, don't waste your time

And her name is Blondie, sexy socialite (Dumb blonde)
Diggin' out on the town any given night
And her name is Blondie, the queen of glamorous
And the game is money, the girl is dangerous

Her fatal beauty's blinding and her intentions not kind
She tried 2 take a part of me but I caught on in time
She lives a life of make believe, takes what she wants and leaves
Blondes, they do have more fun, but how dumb is she?


Blondie, my glamorous superstar
U took it much 2 far
And now U look like "What happened?"
Blondie, a dangerous socialite
She hangs out every night
And the neighborhood game is 2 dog U blind

- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (Moving on)


    i congratulate you for backing out of the contest.
    It really makes the weasel look stupid.
    Smartest thing ever.
    im just taken back.
    as i have watched people try to take her on for a long time.
    You actually scored in a big way!
    keep up the blogging
    dont let people bring you down!

  2. good on you. Honestly, what happened to you is exactly what happens to others every time something like this comes along and she is involved. So don't feel badly, it wasn't you at all. The fact that you had a combination of people who read you voting AND a ton of people voting for you just to NOT vote for her...well, that says a lot about both of you, really.

    I'll choose to stay anonymous because well, I don't need the aggravation of her wrath when she undoubtedly reads this.

    all the best to you.

  3. You're funny. Raymi is an asshole, albeit a hardworking and remarkably focussed asshole. But she's not funny. I nominate you (in advance) for funniest blogger in the universe.

  4. What a great post and very spot on. You are one classy broad. Raymi is horrible, wretched, cosseted, joy-thieving waste of flesh. You are above that league and I've enjoyed reading your post.

  5. i, for one, was disappointed that you bowed out but also it is an interesting development and actually, it makes the whole contest thing a moot point. i hope whatever she wins was worth making herself look like a whining spoiled child. how unprofessional! right? she thinks she is so professional. you mentioned something like The Oscars, well, whenever a celebrity wins an oscar, or is nominated for one, they usually act humbled and grateful. self-effacing. someone like johnny depp, for instance, is never self-glorifying. he is not in it to be famous. he is in it because it is who he is and that is all. he doesn't do it for attention. i've been reading raymi's blog for many years and i've followed her closely. i find her blogging style fascinating and compelling. it's her personality which is abhorrent. at least, from what i've seen. and she has had her stint at railroading me in the past. i don't care anymore. what's she gonna do to me? i have an opinion. big deal. who cares.

    ok. sorry. i know you don't want to continue on with this drama. it is a swirling sucking eddy of despair that gets you nowhere.

    it's obvious that you are a 'regular' type of person with a relatively 'normal' life. you're not a 'fame monster' and that's good.

  6. can i just add that the use of the word "fame" in relation to Raymi is laughable. I know she believes she is famous but big deal, she gets a few perks in her own city here and there, hell so do I where I live and I don't have to act a fool online for it. Her "fame" is all in her head.

  7. Wow. Those are some really mean comments. Like, truly cruel things being said about someone. criticizing someone for being a bitch by calling them a waste of flesh is a bit of an...overreaction? hypocritical to say the least. and in the post, that song reference was kind of funny but that blogger is NOT stupid at all, she's pretty clever to figure out how to get this much attention.

  8. Hi- SamiJoe from Peek Thru Our Window.
    I wondered why you had bowed out and tbh, i never expected to win either. Especially against Raymi. Her stats seemed to imply that she'd likely win. Her style is intriguing...
    however, i am unsure why she feels the need to put the other blogs down?
    That to me, is not cool.
    After all, we've all been nominated.

  9. I also find the Raymi blog intriguing and think credit is due for her fierce, loyal and honest web logging. I imagine that she dishes it out enough, she can take it back just fine. I don't think she is stupid intellectually but, her boorish insults towards people cheapen her person and she has hurt many a feeling even when not provoked to do so. That is apparent here.

    One day, some day I wish for her to realize that she is good enough without being ornery towards people who just don't deserve it.

  10. my mother cannot be controlled. you shouldn't have backed out. i only pointed out how it was suspect you have zero online presence yet like clockwork your votes were coming in and in, nothing personal against you. i'm sorry you couldn't handle being called boring.

  11. Love the passive aggressive comment, Raymi. I'm sorry you don't live in reality.

  12. Ugh. She can't even help coming here and shoving her 2 cents in. Maybe you should monitor your comments the way she does to keep her away. I think it's "suspect" that her followers were asked to vote from as many different computers as possible but whatever, it's a meaningless made up "award" anyway so in the end who cares? I mean what is the prize? A tacky web badge like something from 1996!

  13. Raymi was a lot more interesting when she was on Prozac, or Zoloft, or whatever it was she was on. She was actually cooler, more out there, more honest. Now she's just so shrill and annoying. Ug.

  14. Raymi,

    you're the stalker, and you know it. You can't stand it if anyone doesn't like you and you will pursue them relentlessly until you wipe them off the interwebs.

    You're scary.

  15. it sounds like you did the right thing. i can see why people find her fascinating; she is an exemplary model of self-glorified disaster. does the lady masturbate to herself? that's the vibe i get from her blog.

    good for you for being the bigger person. <3

  16. Wow! Incredible turn of events...
    kudos to the insight that your friend had...
    Ethical journalism is the only type I want to read!
