Friday, December 03, 2010

This N' That Plus Everything Else

I know you all thought that the looming holiday season had emerged already.  Some of you with OCD have even put up the trees and decorations I'm sure.  Not to burst your bubble but, you were falsely informed.  The holiday's have officially begun but, only because I put on my Santa socks this morning. 

AJ has torn into his 2nd day on the Playmobil advent calendar, I believe he received wings for the Playmobil figure that he was awarded on day 1 of the calendar.  I think I was equally excited getting it for him as he is in having it.  Lucky kid, I remember my advent calendars being full of shitty chocolate that would somehow always manage to slither it's way out of the designated window to the bottom of the box and half the time I would open the day (with eager anticipation of the shitty chocolate) only to find that another one had escaped.  I would also usually be so impatient with the whole "one a day" concept that by the first week, I had already opened, eaten and re closed every window, hoping my parents wouldn't notice. 
Whilst buying the advent calendar, I purchased another (rather large) Playmobil set.  It came in THIS awesome gargantuan bag.  I love this bag, it is unlike any other bag.  I folded it up nice and put it in a special place in my home.  I will use it again, one day for things even unknown to me.  I may just take it out once in a while to make me smile.  Look at the Playmobil men and women, so happy, so carefree.  No wonder Aidan is so joyous after playing with these wee little men.

This is my husband to the right....he does P90X in hopes that one day I will not trade him in for a cabana boy.  He's a generous husband to be so diligent in looking good for me.  I make sure not to give him any of my nachos and cheese because I want him to reach his goal and I suspect it is rather difficult to find a cabana boy when I am seriously lacking in the cabana department.  Sometimes, I also like to support him by taking pictures right in the middle of the intense workouts, just so he is fully aware that I appreciate the effort he is making.
In conclusion, my new favorite thing (because I'm Oprah) are these tiny little clementine oranges.  I slightly recall a friend recommending them to me last year but, I believe I was in a "I don't buy anything from China" frame of mind and wouldn't even exercise the thought of purchasing them.  Do they even come from China?  Whatever, I was missing out.  Big time.  My hand likes to eat them too, which was not what the picture was intended to demonstrate but, there it is and the proof is always in the puddin'.  If you haven't tried them already, I suggest you leave your house immediately and find the nearest store that sells them.  Try not to devour the whole box, I dare you.

Rambling on:  When I went outside today, the snow falling was so fair that it became luminous.  It was like Mother Nature was doing a craft project and accidentally spilled her glitter dust all over the sky.  For some reason, it reminded me that life is so much more paramount than just what is current and happening to you.  It's the small things you pay attention to, that make the hard things almost insignificant.

- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (Deep in thought)
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