Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Santa Runs NAKED Through Winnipeg

I for one cannot actually believe this has happened.  Most likely because it didn't but....

Now that I have your attention you should take some time to fulfill every child's Christmas wish and vote for this blog by clicking the button:

Read this blog like it was your religion, send it to everyone you know and make ask them to read it too.  Please vote, it's for a good cause....my ego.

- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (We're #1, We're #1)


  1. sadly you are not likely to win as Raymi of raymitheminx.com has made it her 24/7 job to try to win this pointless award, through her blog, her facebook, her twitter (even putting you down actually).

    I wouldn't feel too badly though; at least you've had class in this. Calling your blog boring just shows how closed minded and narcissistic she really is; her blog is like watching a bad reality show, entertaining but no real substance.

    The fact that she can't appreciate anything that doesn't benefit her directly (or even concede that anyone else in this world is good at anything) says a lot about her.

    I'm frankly surprised she hasn't tried to goad you into a confrontation; that seems to have been her thing in past web "awards" situations. Then, she can post about how terrible YOU are and send all her loser followers over to mock you. CLASSLESS and mentally stunted for someone almost 30.

    Good Luck to you! Once upon a time I would have voted for her however having followed her blog for years and seeing no discernible positivity in it, I've voted for you just on principal of not voting for someone who has made themselves SO unlikeable.

  2. Really enjoy your blog. Frequent reader, first time commenter! Keep it up!

  3. Sarah,

    us readers out here may be quiet, but we ARE out here, no matter what anyone says about it. Your blog is intelligent, witty and thought provoking, which is more than I can say for lots of others out there! Chin up, we are voting for you. Ignore the sore losers who are calling cheating; some people can't accept that they aren't the centre of the universe!
