First and foremost I would like to apologize for my lack of bloggery. I know the "Holiday" season has past because all my nails have been chewed to the skin, the scale shows the annual 5 pound gain, I have bags under my eyes that not even Mac can fix, my MasterCard bill is making me contemplate
robbing a bank bankruptcy and in general I feel like cow dung (whatever that feels like, I imagine bad....really bad and a little smelly).
Christmas for us is so unbelievably ridiculously busy with Judd having 9 siblings, me with divorced parents and friends or family that weren't participative in those "Christmases". It's like every year we get sucked into this perpetual Christmas wormhole that I have just started to emerge from now. It was a good one, I far as Christmases go. I wouldn't call it a holiday though, more like an obligatory list of never ending tasks to complete in an impossible time frame which can only be coped with by ingesting excessive amounts of baked goods, caffeine and in my case, beta blockers.
This year similar to all other years was complete with me skulking around the house wearing my Grinch hat, muttering many Bah-Humbugs under my chocolaty breath and randomly fist pumping the air. I daydreamed about how I could pull off a Grinch who stole Christmas type operation, just to see what would happen. I bet there would be no singing around a gargantuan tree that's for sure. I especially love the part when everyone that has extremely privileged children (including my own) continuously repeats to those very children that Christmas is not about presents. Is that just the right thing to say to kids these days because in my opinion, it totally is about presents (and food). Sure, there is family involved but, I don't see how it really differs from any other time I see my family. I also am "reminded" to give generously to the people who need it most but, shouldn't I be doing this all year round or do poor people only eat at Christmas?
Okay, okay that was a rant and a half...I'll cease to have an opinion about it until next year because if there's one thing I've learned it's that no one likes a party pooper, especially a Christmas pooper. Plus I like food, presents and family and for some reason I usually end up having fun regardless of how puffed up I can get about it.
Too much has happened to go into much detail but, maybe you fancy a bit of a picture post? Enjoy! Merry, merry and all that jazz! I'll follow up tomorrow with my 2011 resolutions, they're pretty marvelous and I'm hoping to keep at least a third of them for more than 8 days. That's how committed I am...stay tuned (but, at least eat and shower while you are waiting).
A Digital Christmas
Cookies that I made for the school holiday bake sale....Judd helping me at 1:00 am because I would've had no sleep otherwise....extremely detailed...NEVER again. |
Aidan's Christmas concert....He had a line!!! I forgot to take a beta blocker and thought I may have to leave before he went up due to an anxiety attack. I was so nervous for him but, proud that he nailed it and did something I even as an adult have struggled with doing! So, so proud! |
The first of the Christmas gatherings with a good friend. The ultimate ice cream dessert, lots of chalk drawings, books and games. Good times! Only pics of Aidan because I feel "dirty" posting pictures of other people's children on my blog, plus I'm too lazy to get their permission |
My boys in St.Malo, at Mom and Garry' far the most peaceful. Staying up late, guitar, drums, food, drink and fire. Very low key....lovely. |
St.Malo food fare. Yum. I did not get Garry's permission to post this picture but, he won't be mad because he's awesome. If he does (get mad) then, I may have to change my opinion about him and that would suck. Thanks Mom for less thing I had to do this year and yours was far better! |
J'adore St.Malo |
"The family is one of nature's masterpieces." - George Santayana |
My favorite gifts....2010 theme stocking cross stitched by Mom. Mosaik by Aidan, complete with 7 year bad luck broken mirror (which he placed there on purpose). |
Aidan and his great grandparents....this is rare and I love that he has got to know them, even if only a little. I cherish these pictures and take them at any opportunity. Also, did not get permission from them but... they don't have a computer so how will they ever find out? Oh wait, they have one billion offspring and offspring of offspring who will tell them. We call it the Feenstra clan, they could potentially take over the world. Oh well, what's done is done. |
Me = Chopstick Ninja. Chopsticks from awesome Shitake Mushroom growing kit....awesome. |
Supernatural book on Manitoba events. I agree, if I ever saw that I would run for the Selkirk. |
Our back entrance after St.Godard Christmas. I feel dirty. Must. Give. Blood. To. Clean. Soul. I would post pictures of the event but, there were people in all the shots....that family multiplies by the second. permission. Again too lazy to get it. Fun, loud, food, kids and tons of laughs (always the best part). |
Gorgeous food prepared by Chef Ray and my lovely sister in law....superb. Always enjoy this one for the food and the people...especially the food. Did I mention the food? |
Not an annual occurrence but, one of my dearest friends visited. Like she never left. Will miss her again....A LOT. |
The last supper....calm, quiet, lots of baking and good tea. Aidan's multiple Christmas personalities. Left: "Alright Mom, take the picture already my arm hurts from holding this featherweight card!" Right: Nom, nom, nom...."just wait until I crash from my sugar high, it's gonna be real fun!" |
Sometimes I wonder if Judd realizes how silly he actually is. Young at heart, that's my man. |
"Privileged" Aidan with all his new swag. Goosebumps movies, iPods and Playmobil, oh my! Remember Aidan it's not about the presents though. |
No Christmas is complete without our furry companions. Kneesaa is a pretty girl and Riff....well I think he ate too much turkey. |
That's it....if you made it to the end congratulations you just witnessed Christmas through my eyes and it was a grand one, I can tell you that.
- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (All Christmas'd Out)
your cookies are terrific!