Boy in the Kitchen was unfortunately sick on Sunday when our cooking extravaganza was scheduled. He woke up in the morning, ate his breakfast but, then his father practically force fed him one of those delicious mini-oranges (in AJ's opinion). His father was forewarned that there would be regurgitation and indeed, there was.
I was busy on the phone making possible plans to go sledding but, he already had plans to go skating, it was all so confusing. It's a hard job being AJ's personal assistant and I don't get paid nearly enough to be doing it. In mid-conversation I said "Oh, looks like tobogganing is out, I think I heard AJ throwing up." pretty nonchalantly I might add. Hung up, went downstairs to find kid hugging toilet, pants around ankles and husband glaring at me like I should have been there for the big event.
Everything seemed to be under control so I left ninja quick before AJ could spot me and use his Jedi mind tricks to lure me into the puking mess and be the official back rubber. I've had to deal with my fair share of puke disasters in his lifetime, and this one was relatively low key...bailing was definitely an option. It was short lived, he stumbled out of the bathroom in no time, flopped dramatically onto the couch and curled up into a ball. At this point Judd and I started asking him a question about skating, unsure why really...the kid is sick and we are concerned about whether he actually likes skating? AJ half answers most of the questions and then exclaims "Look you guys, I don't want to talk right now." Okay, we get him off to his bed, tuck him in tight and he sleeps for the majority of the day. No more throwing up, nothing.
I suspect that the "sickness" stemmed from him eating most of the chips and dip I put out the night before on his own (meant for 3 people) while I was distracted by the need to reposition all the Christmas ornaments on the tree that were incorrectly placed. I think he also ate about 12 Ferrero Rocher chocolates but, who can be sure?

Luckily, he had
begged, whined and pleaded nicely asked on Saturday if we could make Applesauce Oatmeal muffins together so it wasn't a total cooking loss. I have been making these for years and they are a favorite in this house. I stopped making them because the
slave drivers boys were eating over a dozen of them a week and just kept
demanding asking for more. I hadn't made them in such a long while, I was happy to do so. Baking is getting relatively easy for me now as AJ can do most of the work. He gathers the ingredients, preheats the oven, measures everything....all I have to do is most of the mixing because his arm would fall off otherwise (or so he tells me) and putting things in and out of the oven (because I think AJ needs the use of his hands for as long as possible). I did make one mistake, gave him a little leeway with the recipe and he ran with it, to the extreme. Raisins are optional in the recipe but, we like them so I told him to put as much as he wanted but, gave him a clue as to how much. I SAW him put in 1/4 cup (good measure I thought).....I didn't see him put in the other half cup and wondered why the batter looked so raisin condensed. The muffins were good as usual but, mostly taste like raisins. Those who know me well would be awfully proud of me to give him such freedom with the raisin adding, generally I am more of a
control freak recipe follower.
Ended up making Latkes (potato pancakes) and Chicken Matzo Ball Soup all on my own on Sunday. AJ learned about Hanukkah last week in school and he loooooves Latkes so I was
forced happy to try my hand at some traditional Jewish cuisine. I have made Latkes and Chicken Soup (from scratch) before but, never Matzo balls so this was a new feat for me! I had fun talking to myself in the kitchen but, I did miss the boy.
- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (Undercover Ninja)
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