Saturday, December 04, 2010

Reverb10 - Day 2 - Writing

I am taking part in #Reverb10 an annual online initiative to reflect on the year past and manifest what's next.  Everyday in December there is a prompt on where to direct your writing attention....I am 2 days behind gak!  Take a gander at Reverb10 and participate!

Day 2 - Writing
Prompt: What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it? (Author: Leo Babauta)

My mother kept a journal from the time I was a newborn up until about the 2nd year of my life.  I cannot recall when the first time she revealed it to me but, I can remember the pages flipping through my fingers, my heart racing with unequivocal joy as I absorbed each inked word into my very soul.   I am certain she didn't realize at the time of writing it, what a cherished gift this would come to be for me.  I have read it many times since it's introduction and the same question surfaces each and every read.  Why does my mother not write more, and more often?  She is undoubtedly one of the most gifted writers whose words I have had the delight of reading.  Her reply haunts the word slinger in me each time I position myself to create.

"There is no original thought, it has all been written or said before."

There is NO original thought.  So what is the point?  It hinders my process frequently.  I am, on good days a free flowing writer.  I do not stop to ponder the words that are pouring out of me, I just let it be and edit at completion.   When her words pop into my head {no original thought}, It nullifies everything I was about to say, the meaning behind the words diminishes so much so that they are no longer worth the paper/screen they are on.

I attempt (more successful than not) to eliminate this way of thinking by incessantly repeating the following words in my head as I furiously type out the upchuck of my mind;  If the words are there but, I have yet to read them, has it really been written at all?  Mostly a tree falling in the woods analogy and consequently not an original thought.

More than likely her words reign true, there is no original thought, how can there be?  If I have yet to read it, it does not exist for me therefore it is my original thought.  Many of the best writings are based on an unoriginal thought anyway, with each individual writers personal twist.  Therefore, I write on. 

- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (Still encouraging my Mom to write)

1 comment:

  1. Very poetic. Your writing is getting better and better with every post.

