If I were a contestant on the Biggest Loser this week I would've heard that dreadful phrase "I'm sorry to say Sarah, you are NOT the biggest loser." *sigh*
The truth of it is Kim and Pam totally handed my ass to me on a silver platter this week. Pam is feeling so good about herself that her energy busted through my screen when I got her update yesterday (it was quite a site, wish I had my camera). Kim had a lovely 4 day visit with her newly appointed FIANCE! So a big congrats goes out to my skinny bitch Kim for taking the marital plunge! She considers "intimate" relations and the flu as major contributors to her ridiculous amount of weight loss this week. That could in other instances be a dangerous combination but, for her it seemed to be just the right one.
I don't know really I have every excuse in the book....coming down from a high stress week, too many feel sorry for myself trips to the pantry, not enough sleep, not enough water...WAY too much coffee, pain and that's probably just the short list. Truth is though that generally those are the very "excuses" from preventing most women from being consistent with weight loss. We are always too busy taking care of other people, far too busy to even think about taking care of ourselves.
I heard it all working at U Weight Loss; "I had this horrible pain in my pinkie toe this week and I just couldn't go for a walk.", "My sister's best friend's dog died and it was just so stressful I ate a whole tub of ice cream.", "My husband wanted to watch football all day on Sunday so I forgot to drink my water." Okay maybe some of those are exaggerations but, really not only do women in general not take care of themselves they also blame it on everything and everyone. I know I do, most of the time.
So I went 6 weeks doing well and for the past 2 weeks I've noticed a decline happening again. What is with this 6 week mental block I have in me? I think someone pushes my self destruct button while I'm sleeping. Ugh. Lucky for me I've managed to maintain my weight loss but, I know from experience the scale will surely begin to tip in the other direction soon enough. Well NOT this time fat ass! I'm done, I'm not going back before I start again. I woke up this morning and made the decision, food diary again...on the treadmill tonight and we continue. NO STARTING OVER.
I finally got my 24 hour collection over with for the Endocrinologist after a not so pleasant phone call from her office asking where it was. She is checking for Cushings which is the very last thing I wait on before hopefully not seeing her again for another 5 months. She just needs to keep an eye on the goiter to make sure nothing is changing. If it grows anymore it will need to be surgically removed so I would like it to stay just the way it is thank you very much. Other than that things have been improving on the health front nicely.
Without torturing you further with my brain barf here are the stats for the week:
Skinny Bitch Start Weight Loss lbs % weight loss Total lbs Total %
SARAH 167 0 0% 5 2.91%
KIM 199 4 2.01% 12 5.80%PAM 186 2 1.08% 10 6.12%
- The St.Godard Brood Keeper....ONWARD!
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
My Big Fat Weigh In and Other Sad Stories
Well technically yesterday was "weigh-in" day otherwise known as weekly torture but, I did not dare step on that scale when I got home yesterday evening from a weekend in St.Malo. I crashed hard core but, luckily I compensated with quite a bit of exercise so actually getting on that scale today wasn't as traumatic as I anticipated it to be. No loss, no gain...I'm okay with that really.
I "escaped" to St.Malo this weekend sort of on a whim. My mother informed me that the Festival des Amis was going on all weekend and we should come on out...well let's just say after the 2 weeks I've had she did not have to twist my rubber arm one bit. In fact I cancelled all pending engagements and although this is the second time I've cancelled on a dear friend (Sorry Alida), I just knew I had to breathe this weekend....I was surely going to suffocate had I been left in my current state.
Aidan and I hit the open road straight after school let out on Friday and it couldn't have come soon enough. After a restless night of sleep on the couch and an emotional hangover all I needed was to get there...every minute passing drawing me nearer to my refuge, my sanctuary....my lifeline.
I hope that each one of you that's reading this right now has that place to go to, a place to just be and feel good, sleep, eat and be merry. In fact for some of you this may be your very own home and to you I say....consider yourself lucky because my home or the emotional hell that lurks there has torn me apart limb from limb ever since I can remember. Seem dramatic? Maybe. I've really tried to find the root source of my anxiety lately...accepted it, yes but, I still think it's important for me to open my eyes to my triggers and eliminate them as best I can because I really honestly deep down inside feel like at the ripe age of 29 I should not be in this condition. I am fearful of the path my mind and body are leading me down....where will it end...how bad will it get? I'm not willing to find out. I'm also too strong and have been through too much to give up now and let the fear all consume me.
My struggles have been small in comparison to war, hunger or addiction but, they have been struggles none the less. Each day brings new clarity for me, I'm learning to let go but, not before I wade my way through the pain I've carried with me for so long, like a toxic friend I never wanted to let go. Funny that pain can serve as a security blanket at times, preventing me from having to really live, to take risks...to move on.
I have found passion in photography. It is a fantastic outlet for me, gets me up and out whereas before I would've found every excuse in the book to do otherwise. Photography has removed the blinders I once had, it gave me back my true vision...to stop and look at the world that surrounds me, in the unexpected just as much as the expected. I feel a connection with nature’s majesty, its pureness and its astounding beauty. It has lit a fire in my belly that burns furiously pushing me to find new perspectives and interests around every corner. I tend to be obsessive about most new ideas or activities in my life (big surprise) but, this one feels different to me. It's a sense of belonging....that I am on the right path all of a sudden. I don't know how far it will go or what will become of it. What I know right now is that my camera has literally become an extension of me; the sound of the shutter drives me like nothing has ever driven me. I am in love.
Some of my closest friends and family members have had some real tragedies and hurdles thrown at them these past few weeks. A friend’s sister has her second Cancer operation which leads to more questions. A sister-in-law learns her father has just spent 3 days in the woods unable to move and has been rescued with a dim projection on his fate. A best friend experiences the up's and down's of a possible relapse of a disease that is ruthless and destructive and the idea that the monster rears its ugly head once again. An old employee gets a death sentence, an impossible decision and reaches out for some solace, some comfort. A Step Father receives news of a child's untimely and tragic death but is just out of reach to offer personal console. There were many sleepless nights, many tears, panic and sadness that is so profound it could easily consume you with its blanket of darkness.
Day after day, night after night I took those tragedies and cautiously placed them on my shoulders, carried them with me throughout the weeks ahead and late last week they all came tumbling off like an avalanche of emotion ready to suffocate anything that stood in its path. Normally I dig deep and find the empathetic part of me, the part that wants to listen, that wants to care but, this time I had my own emotional turmoil festering in the background which became amplified by the problems of the world around me. I had nowhere safe to turn, I felt stupid for adding anymore strife to these others already complicated lives and really who was I to complain? What right did I have to be sad or confused or angry? What they were going through was so much more significant, life changing even. For once in my life though, I was unable to bury my own emotions and broke, maybe but for a minute but, I broke. One of the scariest feelings I've ever had is to feel like I've lost my control and it was happening day after day and it scares the shit out of me to know I can reach such dark places so quickly that it hits me like a bolt of lightning and then I'm in it before even knowing it was there lurking around the corner...waiting patiently to strike. I have broken before, but when the fog clears I never remember how terrifying it actually is and I somehow manage to fool myself into believing it will never happen again. I am glad I have to tools to always force myself to reach out, grasping at any hand that can somehow pull me back into the light. There are very few choice people who will hear the emptiness in my voice when that happens and I thank God for them every time...I can't imagine it being enjoyable to hear that on the other end of the phone and I can imagine they have their cell phones out with a finger on the 9 just in case. If I don't say it enough or if I've never said it before....Thank You! You know who you are.
So switching gears here in a big way...the weigh in results for my skinny bitches this week. I look forward to this on Mondays (who'd of thought it would be fun to weigh in). Pam has taken back her lead as Kim and I stood still this week....life happens you know. Happy to announce that Pam had to go out and purchase a smaller waist size jean and she is feeling great! I think I'm going to try the exercise thing this week now that I'm in a better frame of mind. I know it will only get better once I get those pheromones pumping through me!
Here's the stats....enjoy!
Skinny Bitch Start Weight Loss lbs % weight loss Total lbs Total %
SARAH 167 0 0% 5 2.91%
KIM 199 0 0% 8 3.86%
PAM 189 3 1.59% 8 4.12%
- The St.Godard Brood Keeper
I "escaped" to St.Malo this weekend sort of on a whim. My mother informed me that the Festival des Amis was going on all weekend and we should come on out...well let's just say after the 2 weeks I've had she did not have to twist my rubber arm one bit. In fact I cancelled all pending engagements and although this is the second time I've cancelled on a dear friend (Sorry Alida), I just knew I had to breathe this weekend....I was surely going to suffocate had I been left in my current state.
Aidan and I hit the open road straight after school let out on Friday and it couldn't have come soon enough. After a restless night of sleep on the couch and an emotional hangover all I needed was to get there...every minute passing drawing me nearer to my refuge, my sanctuary....my lifeline.
I hope that each one of you that's reading this right now has that place to go to, a place to just be and feel good, sleep, eat and be merry. In fact for some of you this may be your very own home and to you I say....consider yourself lucky because my home or the emotional hell that lurks there has torn me apart limb from limb ever since I can remember. Seem dramatic? Maybe. I've really tried to find the root source of my anxiety lately...accepted it, yes but, I still think it's important for me to open my eyes to my triggers and eliminate them as best I can because I really honestly deep down inside feel like at the ripe age of 29 I should not be in this condition. I am fearful of the path my mind and body are leading me down....where will it end...how bad will it get? I'm not willing to find out. I'm also too strong and have been through too much to give up now and let the fear all consume me.
My struggles have been small in comparison to war, hunger or addiction but, they have been struggles none the less. Each day brings new clarity for me, I'm learning to let go but, not before I wade my way through the pain I've carried with me for so long, like a toxic friend I never wanted to let go. Funny that pain can serve as a security blanket at times, preventing me from having to really live, to take risks...to move on.
I have found passion in photography. It is a fantastic outlet for me, gets me up and out whereas before I would've found every excuse in the book to do otherwise. Photography has removed the blinders I once had, it gave me back my true vision...to stop and look at the world that surrounds me, in the unexpected just as much as the expected. I feel a connection with nature’s majesty, its pureness and its astounding beauty. It has lit a fire in my belly that burns furiously pushing me to find new perspectives and interests around every corner. I tend to be obsessive about most new ideas or activities in my life (big surprise) but, this one feels different to me. It's a sense of belonging....that I am on the right path all of a sudden. I don't know how far it will go or what will become of it. What I know right now is that my camera has literally become an extension of me; the sound of the shutter drives me like nothing has ever driven me. I am in love.
Some of my closest friends and family members have had some real tragedies and hurdles thrown at them these past few weeks. A friend’s sister has her second Cancer operation which leads to more questions. A sister-in-law learns her father has just spent 3 days in the woods unable to move and has been rescued with a dim projection on his fate. A best friend experiences the up's and down's of a possible relapse of a disease that is ruthless and destructive and the idea that the monster rears its ugly head once again. An old employee gets a death sentence, an impossible decision and reaches out for some solace, some comfort. A Step Father receives news of a child's untimely and tragic death but is just out of reach to offer personal console. There were many sleepless nights, many tears, panic and sadness that is so profound it could easily consume you with its blanket of darkness.
Day after day, night after night I took those tragedies and cautiously placed them on my shoulders, carried them with me throughout the weeks ahead and late last week they all came tumbling off like an avalanche of emotion ready to suffocate anything that stood in its path. Normally I dig deep and find the empathetic part of me, the part that wants to listen, that wants to care but, this time I had my own emotional turmoil festering in the background which became amplified by the problems of the world around me. I had nowhere safe to turn, I felt stupid for adding anymore strife to these others already complicated lives and really who was I to complain? What right did I have to be sad or confused or angry? What they were going through was so much more significant, life changing even. For once in my life though, I was unable to bury my own emotions and broke, maybe but for a minute but, I broke. One of the scariest feelings I've ever had is to feel like I've lost my control and it was happening day after day and it scares the shit out of me to know I can reach such dark places so quickly that it hits me like a bolt of lightning and then I'm in it before even knowing it was there lurking around the corner...waiting patiently to strike. I have broken before, but when the fog clears I never remember how terrifying it actually is and I somehow manage to fool myself into believing it will never happen again. I am glad I have to tools to always force myself to reach out, grasping at any hand that can somehow pull me back into the light. There are very few choice people who will hear the emptiness in my voice when that happens and I thank God for them every time...I can't imagine it being enjoyable to hear that on the other end of the phone and I can imagine they have their cell phones out with a finger on the 9 just in case. If I don't say it enough or if I've never said it before....Thank You! You know who you are.
So switching gears here in a big way...the weigh in results for my skinny bitches this week. I look forward to this on Mondays (who'd of thought it would be fun to weigh in). Pam has taken back her lead as Kim and I stood still this week....life happens you know. Happy to announce that Pam had to go out and purchase a smaller waist size jean and she is feeling great! I think I'm going to try the exercise thing this week now that I'm in a better frame of mind. I know it will only get better once I get those pheromones pumping through me!
Here's the stats....enjoy!
Skinny Bitch Start Weight Loss lbs % weight loss Total lbs Total %
SARAH 167 0 0% 5 2.91%
KIM 199 0 0% 8 3.86%
PAM 189 3 1.59% 8 4.12%
- The St.Godard Brood Keeper
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Try to post a better update in the next few days but, for now the highly anticipated weigh in results:
Skinny Bitch Start Weight Loss lbs % weight loss Total lbs Total %
SARAH 169 2 1.18% 5 2.91%
KIM 202 3 1.49% 8 3.86%
PAM 189 0 0% 5 2.58%
So Kim wins the week weigh in and pulls into the lead for the whole thing. Don't get too cocky there Kim, Pam and I were just letting you have one to be good sports about it all. A huge congrats to Kim as she has also quit smoking this past week and still managed to lose weight with all that stress!
Pam's weight actually fluctuated quite a bit this week, weighing kind of sucks, it's not very accurate short term. We're in it for the long haul though so shouldn't matter in the grand scheme Pam....you'llkick my ass do great!
Again if anyone wants to join us Skinny Bitches in the fight against fat, lemme know. We're just getting started up in here!
- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (aka Blubber)
![]() |
Pretty acurate portrayal of what I look like weighing myself...oh except I don't have red hair. |
Just a quick post for my Skinny Bitches....I'm all turned around lately, really busy with life in general and all the ridiculous things I take on. Judd has started work at 7am now, so I'm up as soon as he leaves to get Aidan off to school and get myself ready for work. Although I think Judd and I are both happier this way, it's taken some adjusting for me the last 2 days as I generally behave like I'm nocturnal. Usually my head does not hit the pillow until after 1:00 am on a good day.
Try to post a better update in the next few days but, for now the highly anticipated weigh in results:
Skinny Bitch Start Weight Loss lbs % weight loss Total lbs Total %
SARAH 169 2 1.18% 5 2.91%
KIM 202 3 1.49% 8 3.86%
PAM 189 0 0% 5 2.58%
So Kim wins the week weigh in and pulls into the lead for the whole thing. Don't get too cocky there Kim, Pam and I were just letting you have one to be good sports about it all. A huge congrats to Kim as she has also quit smoking this past week and still managed to lose weight with all that stress!
Pam's weight actually fluctuated quite a bit this week, weighing kind of sucks, it's not very accurate short term. We're in it for the long haul though so shouldn't matter in the grand scheme Pam....you'll
Again if anyone wants to join us Skinny Bitches in the fight against fat, lemme know. We're just getting started up in here!
- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (aka Blubber)
Monday, February 07, 2011
Skinny Bitches
Haven't posted something positive in some time....totally obsessed with project 365 and being all OCD with it has taken up oodles of my time. I'm behind 2 episodes of the Biggest Loser and never miss that show (another obsession) so that gives you an accurate gauge of how important 365 has become to me.
Speaking of Biggest Loser...bet you thought I'd already fallen off the wagon with my whole healthy lifestyle attempts.....quelle surprise you were wrong. Maybe you did have a little faith in me this time, if so I will happily accept monetary contributions towards my cause, you know...so I can buy carrots.
I'm officially down 7 pounds so far (shhh don't tell my trainer I weighed myself). I only did it because right now I am not allowed to exercise according to the all mighty Dr. so I wanted to make sure I was on the right track with my food. I even started counting calories so I could record it against my Basal Metabolic Rate but, that only lasted a few days because it takes waaaay too much effort on my part. I got the all clear this week to exercise and can really kick project Buns o' Steel into high gear.
Recently I learned that my work is closing down the first week of August and since Aidan is spending the WHOLE summer in St.Malo (can I get a hell-ya) I'm going to head out there for the week to spend some time with him. I am determined to actually feel comfortable half nude in front of a beach full of people this year....if that's even possible. It's been far too long since I've actually felt good about the way I look in a bathing suit....there was a time though, that is only a distant memory to me now. It's probably a good thing I don't have a picture of that time. It would most likely lead to me crying fully clothed on the floor of the shower with it in my clutches.
So remember when I said that I had calculated to have 2 extras a week would be okay. Well, I've managed to do less than that. I usually have 1 extra (aside from one weekend at mom's) and I'm thinking of cutting that out too and just reserving extras for special occasions or time's when I'm out and really want something. They make me feel like a total bag of shit the next day so I think they are worth not planning anymore.
I have NEVER started a healthy lifestyle and not been grumpy, tired or generally experiencing the feeling that I am depriving myself of something....but, this plan is golden. Judd's sister is a master (possibly playing Jedi mind tricks on me), I have not had one time where I felt hungry or deprived or even grumpy. Best of all it's working without exercise!!! I noticed a fairly heavy weight loss in the first 3 weeks and last week was only a 1 pound drop which tells me it's time to get movin'.
2 girlfriends and I have decided to team up Biggest Loser style and report to our weight every week which will be calculated as percentage of body weight lost. Whoever loses the least percentage after 5 months has to buy the other 2 dinner....and you'd better believe it won't be a healthy dinner either. Pulling out all the stops for that one (unless I'm buying...yikes).
There aren't many things about being a woman that are wonderful unless you count vaginal births, c-sections, PMS, bunions and hammer toes from high heels and natural fat deposits on your hips and ass wonderful. Aside from all that, the thing I like about women (well most women, maybe only some women) is the fierce support you can get from them. There is no support like that which you get from your girlfriends, mothers, sisters and so on and so forth. I like that we've made a pact to be accountable to one another and that we are there to help each other along the way. We've all had babies....all have the same abdominal surgery scar (although theirs were to bring life into the world and mine are for vanity) and we all carry the battle scars of pregnancy. Although we realize every stretch mark was worth it in the end, I think it gives us all the more reason to want to look good physically as we have a slight disadvantage already in that department. Unless there is a club that considers stretch marks a favorable characteristic and if so, where do I sign up?
So every Monday, unless I am too lazy or grumpy to post (okay I'll do it anyway) I will post our stats for the week. We all realize that the scale is not the all mighty when it comes to weight loss and it's really about how you feel but, it's a fucking competition people! We need a measuring system!
Here's the first stats (last 2 weeks combined). Maybe I'll sneak over to their houses late at night and take pictures of them so you can have a visual of who I'm talking about. I could also ask them for a photo but, that might make things too complicated.
Skinny Bitch Start Weight Loss lbs % weight loss Total lbs Total %
SARAH 172 3 1.74% 3 1.74%
KIM 207 5 2.42% 5 2.42%
PAM 194 5 2.58% 5 2.58%
I've been eating properly with no exercise. Pam has been eating healthy and exercising with at home videos (she is also breastfeeding = cheating...kidding Pam). Kim is an unofficial Weight Watchers member and is on the treadmill at least 4 hours a week.
Looks like Pam is the winner for our first 2 weeks. Great work Pam! I need to find a way tosabotage you take a page out of your book!
If you're a lady friend and you have some extra poundage to loose, maybe you want to be a skinny bitch too? Feel free to join....there may be a prize in it at the end but, maybe not.
- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (Fat bitch gettin' skinny...with her friends)
Speaking of Biggest Loser...bet you thought I'd already fallen off the wagon with my whole healthy lifestyle attempts.....quelle surprise you were wrong. Maybe you did have a little faith in me this time, if so I will happily accept monetary contributions towards my cause, you know...so I can buy carrots.
I'm officially down 7 pounds so far (shhh don't tell my trainer I weighed myself). I only did it because right now I am not allowed to exercise according to the all mighty Dr. so I wanted to make sure I was on the right track with my food. I even started counting calories so I could record it against my Basal Metabolic Rate but, that only lasted a few days because it takes waaaay too much effort on my part. I got the all clear this week to exercise and can really kick project Buns o' Steel into high gear.
Recently I learned that my work is closing down the first week of August and since Aidan is spending the WHOLE summer in St.Malo (can I get a hell-ya) I'm going to head out there for the week to spend some time with him. I am determined to actually feel comfortable half nude in front of a beach full of people this year....if that's even possible. It's been far too long since I've actually felt good about the way I look in a bathing suit....there was a time though, that is only a distant memory to me now. It's probably a good thing I don't have a picture of that time. It would most likely lead to me crying fully clothed on the floor of the shower with it in my clutches.
So remember when I said that I had calculated to have 2 extras a week would be okay. Well, I've managed to do less than that. I usually have 1 extra (aside from one weekend at mom's) and I'm thinking of cutting that out too and just reserving extras for special occasions or time's when I'm out and really want something. They make me feel like a total bag of shit the next day so I think they are worth not planning anymore.
I have NEVER started a healthy lifestyle and not been grumpy, tired or generally experiencing the feeling that I am depriving myself of something....but, this plan is golden. Judd's sister is a master (possibly playing Jedi mind tricks on me), I have not had one time where I felt hungry or deprived or even grumpy. Best of all it's working without exercise!!! I noticed a fairly heavy weight loss in the first 3 weeks and last week was only a 1 pound drop which tells me it's time to get movin'.
2 girlfriends and I have decided to team up Biggest Loser style and report to our weight every week which will be calculated as percentage of body weight lost. Whoever loses the least percentage after 5 months has to buy the other 2 dinner....and you'd better believe it won't be a healthy dinner either. Pulling out all the stops for that one (unless I'm buying...yikes).
There aren't many things about being a woman that are wonderful unless you count vaginal births, c-sections, PMS, bunions and hammer toes from high heels and natural fat deposits on your hips and ass wonderful. Aside from all that, the thing I like about women (well most women, maybe only some women) is the fierce support you can get from them. There is no support like that which you get from your girlfriends, mothers, sisters and so on and so forth. I like that we've made a pact to be accountable to one another and that we are there to help each other along the way. We've all had babies....all have the same abdominal surgery scar (although theirs were to bring life into the world and mine are for vanity) and we all carry the battle scars of pregnancy. Although we realize every stretch mark was worth it in the end, I think it gives us all the more reason to want to look good physically as we have a slight disadvantage already in that department. Unless there is a club that considers stretch marks a favorable characteristic and if so, where do I sign up?
So every Monday, unless I am too lazy or grumpy to post (okay I'll do it anyway) I will post our stats for the week. We all realize that the scale is not the all mighty when it comes to weight loss and it's really about how you feel but, it's a fucking competition people! We need a measuring system!
Here's the first stats (last 2 weeks combined). Maybe I'll sneak over to their houses late at night and take pictures of them so you can have a visual of who I'm talking about. I could also ask them for a photo but, that might make things too complicated.
Skinny Bitch Start Weight Loss lbs % weight loss Total lbs Total %
SARAH 172 3 1.74% 3 1.74%
KIM 207 5 2.42% 5 2.42%
PAM 194 5 2.58% 5 2.58%
I've been eating properly with no exercise. Pam has been eating healthy and exercising with at home videos (she is also breastfeeding = cheating...kidding Pam). Kim is an unofficial Weight Watchers member and is on the treadmill at least 4 hours a week.
Looks like Pam is the winner for our first 2 weeks. Great work Pam! I need to find a way to
If you're a lady friend and you have some extra poundage to loose, maybe you want to be a skinny bitch too? Feel free to join....there may be a prize in it at the end but, maybe not.
- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (Fat bitch gettin' skinny...with her friends)
Thursday, February 03, 2011
Pieces of Me
My most recent diagnosis is Generalized Anxiety Disorder. The arrhythmia that I have now is not consistent with any sort of actual heart problem but the cardiologist was able to tell that my heart rhythm increased at night the most (doing no activity) and could see palpitations that were sporadic all day. My doctor has asked to see me tomorrow to discuss a plan of action....because apparently the GAD is bad enough now that I have been physically manifesting the worry (hence all the stress related illnesses). So there it is...essentially the root cause of all my problems with a little bit of a genetic factor involved.
Anyone who knows me, knows this above all other diagnosis I could've received is the worst news on a personal level. I'm sorry this is so depressing, I have written other (more pleasant) posts and have yet to finish them, today I am not thinking...or editing....I am just pouring it all out. Something, apparently I need to do a lot more of without worrying what you out there think of it. This has always been a sort of strange outlet for me but, I have not used it to my full advantage. Before the Canadian Weblog Award thing happened my posts were mostly about the goings-on of my family life...some were relatively entertaining but, mostly dry because I was worried about what you thought and how far to take it. After the attention I received on this blog because of the awards it became an obsession to be perfect...the perfect writer, the funniest....the best. I became very anxious about sitting down to write anything in case it wasn't good enough. What I didn't realize is that it was always, and always will be good enough for me. I do like that some people whether they are close to me or not take the time to peruse my blog, I like that some of you are invested in it. So I've decided to continue after a month long hiatus with some new rules (or guidelines) for myself.
I will write when I feel the need to....or when there is something worthwhile (to me) of writing. If you are following me on Facebook as well, sometimes I will commit to write and then I don't. The only piece of advice I have is to remember Sarah = in the moment, and then out of the moment. My intentions are good but my execution is not always timely.
I will write like no one is reading. This may become offensive, or depressing, or infuriating to some of you....I can get extreme and generally write when I am feeling really positive or really negative....I usually don't feel the need when I am on an even keel. I urge you to not read it if you end up feeling that way, especially if you know me because my ups and downs are only a small part of who I am although it's when I feel I am most in tune with my thoughts (no matter how irrational or dramatic after the fact). My blog is not generally a true reflection of who I really am....just how I am thinking at the time.
I will start using more curse words. It's how I was brought up, it's how I think and it's hard to edit my train of thought when I need to search for words to replace them with. As unintelligent as curse words can sometimes make me sound, my writing would be more honest using them the same way they appear in my internal dialogue.
Anyhoo, back to the GAD and I forgot earlier to say that my thyroid problem was never Grave's it is Hashimoto's Disease which I will write about in the future (but, I'm not making any promises haha). I think it's a much better alternative to Grave's however so I am pleased with the diagnosis on that one. I can't say I wished it was nothing because that would make me unmistakeably certifiable. I am on a thin line enough with that one already. Earlier I had written that this was the worst diagnosis for me...let me explain a little.
Since I was a little girl I always heard my Dad call my mother crazy. Being "crazy" was a bad thing, it made you weak, it made you pathetic, it made you expendable...dirty...and ugly. He also called my half-brother's mother crazy. Lots of people were "crazy" to him. My fathers definition of crazy was essentially anyone who did the following (and not all at once): Cried, got frustrated and then cried,
cried and then hyperventilated because they were pushed to extreme emotional limits, was depressed, slept in too long, felt overly sad about something, expressed pain when they were hurt physically or emotionally and you were really crazy if you ever talked about ending your own life...in fact you would then be taunted to actually go through with it and given a time limit to calm down before you were taken to Selkirk to be admitted.
Now, to you I may have just made my Dad out to be a total monster. I assure you he is not. He is a man that came from a different time, with a different set of rules. He came from a Dad who was abusive, neglectful and spiteful. He took care of himself for a great deal of his life...hard knocks so to speak. He has learned to develop skin as thick as armour and for a period in his life I believe belittling anyone who showed emotion was the perfect way for him to gain the upper hand in a relationship and keep control in his life. My Dad also had undiagnosed Hepatitis C for a major part of his adult life due to intravenous drug use. This is not an excuse but, a definite factor in how he behaved. We are in a much better place now, him and I and it as he becomes older and more humble and I become older and more mature we grow closer to finding that incredible bond we once shared when I was a young child and innocent and looked at life one day at a time through rose colored glasses....before the divorce shit storm happened which gutted that little girl.
It has been ingrained in me that having any sort of "in my head" related illness, disorder or syndrome is a weakness, a flaw, something to be ashamed of, something to be embarrassed by. The first thought that popped into my head when the Dr. told me it was GAD was "well then I should just kill myself now because all this physical stuff is happening to me and I am making it all up. Because I am crazy...just like my mother." Secondly the thought "I should've never had a child, now he's going to end up just like his mother....how selfish of me."
I don't actually think my mom is crazy, I don't think I ever did. I heard that a lot though when I was younger and troubled that I was "crazy" just. like. my. mother. Everything bad about me is just. like. my. mother. I don't know if you can even understand how fucking confusing that was....because at that time I felt loved by my mother and that was wrong because I HAD TO love my father. Those two things could not co-exist. If I loved my mother or felt loved by her it meant I didn't love my father. This may not of been a problem if I didn't hold my father on the highest pedestal there was.
Yes, I have "daddy" issues. It's fairly apparent isn't it? The thing is that I don't blame him at all. I still love him and hold him on the highest pedestal there is (don't tell him that though). The problem is that I have never been able to get over the dark times, those contradictions, that push and pull feeling that I had for such a long time...I just managed to internalize it and the fight continued inside of me even when I didn't realize it was still there.
I see the Doctor tomorrow...she is going to want to put me on antidepressants. Hopefully she knows me well enough to understand that I have been down that road more times than I will admit and it always leads to a dead end. This time, I will refuse them. There has to be another way, I have to learn to cope....I will need help. I don't know how to change. Crazy will always be in the back of my mind now, I will stay up and worry about it later....because I don't know another way. This is who I am.
- The St.Godard Brood Keeper
Anyone who knows me, knows this above all other diagnosis I could've received is the worst news on a personal level. I'm sorry this is so depressing, I have written other (more pleasant) posts and have yet to finish them, today I am not thinking...or editing....I am just pouring it all out. Something, apparently I need to do a lot more of without worrying what you out there think of it. This has always been a sort of strange outlet for me but, I have not used it to my full advantage. Before the Canadian Weblog Award thing happened my posts were mostly about the goings-on of my family life...some were relatively entertaining but, mostly dry because I was worried about what you thought and how far to take it. After the attention I received on this blog because of the awards it became an obsession to be perfect...the perfect writer, the funniest....the best. I became very anxious about sitting down to write anything in case it wasn't good enough. What I didn't realize is that it was always, and always will be good enough for me. I do like that some people whether they are close to me or not take the time to peruse my blog, I like that some of you are invested in it. So I've decided to continue after a month long hiatus with some new rules (or guidelines) for myself.
I will write when I feel the need to....or when there is something worthwhile (to me) of writing. If you are following me on Facebook as well, sometimes I will commit to write and then I don't. The only piece of advice I have is to remember Sarah = in the moment, and then out of the moment. My intentions are good but my execution is not always timely.
I will write like no one is reading. This may become offensive, or depressing, or infuriating to some of you....I can get extreme and generally write when I am feeling really positive or really negative....I usually don't feel the need when I am on an even keel. I urge you to not read it if you end up feeling that way, especially if you know me because my ups and downs are only a small part of who I am although it's when I feel I am most in tune with my thoughts (no matter how irrational or dramatic after the fact). My blog is not generally a true reflection of who I really am....just how I am thinking at the time.
I will start using more curse words. It's how I was brought up, it's how I think and it's hard to edit my train of thought when I need to search for words to replace them with. As unintelligent as curse words can sometimes make me sound, my writing would be more honest using them the same way they appear in my internal dialogue.
Anyhoo, back to the GAD and I forgot earlier to say that my thyroid problem was never Grave's it is Hashimoto's Disease which I will write about in the future (but, I'm not making any promises haha). I think it's a much better alternative to Grave's however so I am pleased with the diagnosis on that one. I can't say I wished it was nothing because that would make me unmistakeably certifiable. I am on a thin line enough with that one already. Earlier I had written that this was the worst diagnosis for me...let me explain a little.
Since I was a little girl I always heard my Dad call my mother crazy. Being "crazy" was a bad thing, it made you weak, it made you pathetic, it made you expendable...dirty...and ugly. He also called my half-brother's mother crazy. Lots of people were "crazy" to him. My fathers definition of crazy was essentially anyone who did the following (and not all at once): Cried, got frustrated and then cried,
cried and then hyperventilated because they were pushed to extreme emotional limits, was depressed, slept in too long, felt overly sad about something, expressed pain when they were hurt physically or emotionally and you were really crazy if you ever talked about ending your own life...in fact you would then be taunted to actually go through with it and given a time limit to calm down before you were taken to Selkirk to be admitted.
Now, to you I may have just made my Dad out to be a total monster. I assure you he is not. He is a man that came from a different time, with a different set of rules. He came from a Dad who was abusive, neglectful and spiteful. He took care of himself for a great deal of his life...hard knocks so to speak. He has learned to develop skin as thick as armour and for a period in his life I believe belittling anyone who showed emotion was the perfect way for him to gain the upper hand in a relationship and keep control in his life. My Dad also had undiagnosed Hepatitis C for a major part of his adult life due to intravenous drug use. This is not an excuse but, a definite factor in how he behaved. We are in a much better place now, him and I and it as he becomes older and more humble and I become older and more mature we grow closer to finding that incredible bond we once shared when I was a young child and innocent and looked at life one day at a time through rose colored glasses....before the divorce shit storm happened which gutted that little girl.
It has been ingrained in me that having any sort of "in my head" related illness, disorder or syndrome is a weakness, a flaw, something to be ashamed of, something to be embarrassed by. The first thought that popped into my head when the Dr. told me it was GAD was "well then I should just kill myself now because all this physical stuff is happening to me and I am making it all up. Because I am crazy...just like my mother." Secondly the thought "I should've never had a child, now he's going to end up just like his mother....how selfish of me."
I don't actually think my mom is crazy, I don't think I ever did. I heard that a lot though when I was younger and troubled that I was "crazy" just. like. my. mother. Everything bad about me is just. like. my. mother. I don't know if you can even understand how fucking confusing that was....because at that time I felt loved by my mother and that was wrong because I HAD TO love my father. Those two things could not co-exist. If I loved my mother or felt loved by her it meant I didn't love my father. This may not of been a problem if I didn't hold my father on the highest pedestal there was.
Yes, I have "daddy" issues. It's fairly apparent isn't it? The thing is that I don't blame him at all. I still love him and hold him on the highest pedestal there is (don't tell him that though). The problem is that I have never been able to get over the dark times, those contradictions, that push and pull feeling that I had for such a long time...I just managed to internalize it and the fight continued inside of me even when I didn't realize it was still there.
I see the Doctor tomorrow...she is going to want to put me on antidepressants. Hopefully she knows me well enough to understand that I have been down that road more times than I will admit and it always leads to a dead end. This time, I will refuse them. There has to be another way, I have to learn to cope....I will need help. I don't know how to change. Crazy will always be in the back of my mind now, I will stay up and worry about it later....because I don't know another way. This is who I am.
- The St.Godard Brood Keeper
Saturday, January 08, 2011
I've Been Trained
Met with the trainer today (Judd's sister). Probably not a good start considering I stayed at a friends until 4am gabbing about nothing and everything all at once. Dragged my ass out of bed at 10am had some french toast complete with syrup and butter (also not good before meeting with trainer) but, I didn't cook it so it can't be held against me. Guzzled 2 cups of coffee (again...well you know). Had a shower so as to not be bagged, fat AND smelly....and away I went 10 minutes late. Come to think of it not being late should've been one of my resolutions because I seemingly do it all the time, although never my intention. It must be because of all the Plants vs. Zombies I play some unknown force that just always wants me to be late for important dates.
Ordered up some iced teas and Kitsilano sandwiches which were yumma! Got down to business....real skinny business. Basically she told me that I am lucky to not be obese considering how inactive I am and that I eat junk food almost every night addictively....also the 4-6 cups of coffee I have daily each with cream and sugar to which she sort of just dropped her jaw. I had to agree, the only thing that has saved me would be that I have the knowledge on how to eat properly and I do, all day everyday until the evening munchy gremlins get me, and they get me good.
The plan is to have "activity" 6 days a week. 3 strength days, 2 endurance days, 1 flexibility day and 1 day of rest. Pretty cool right? Yeah, she's an awesome trainer and really knows her stuff....she is possibly the only person I've met who actually can teach me things I didn't already know but, just haven't applied to my own daily existence. I trained with her for a bit before I had to appear in a bikini in the Dominican and she practically killed me (kidding) but, it was crazy intense, I wasn't even allowed to watch TV while exercising...I cried a little.
I took the above picture of the pendant light fixture (totally not distracted) while she did a nice routine up for me, with goals to reach because she knows how absurdly competitive I can be, even with myself. She said that when I reach the goals in a month or a week...wait a second, was that a challenge?....Did she challenge me and I'm not even realizing it until now? Sneaky, very sneaky. There are free weights, treadmills, resistance bands, stability balls and tables involved? I'm a little terror-stricken but, I think I'll be able to manage.
She was demonstrating (in the middle of the restaurant) how to do a Lateral Raise and I just asked her to write "chicken wing" so I would know what to do....she may have been unimpressed at that point, I can't be sure. There were a lot of things crossed out on my plan because I would tell her "oh, yeah bring it on that's so easy" and then when I saw what she was writing down I had a panic attack and started telling her she was crazy to think I could do all that. So she wimped it down for me quite a bit to start out...nice of her I guess.
So my aim is to do what is laid out in the plan 100% of the time but, I FAIL if I don't get 80% for 6 weeks time. Surprised that I am being graded (or must grade myself), not sure when a healthy lifestyle became some ivy league test but, I am too scared to find out what she will do to me should I fall below the 80% marker. She may be tiny but, I know from experience that when it comes to personal training she doesn't fool around and can be quite frankly....scary.
I have to get 3-4 servings of whole grains, 5 of protein and 6 of veg/fruit daily. Drink 3 litres of water (minimum 2 litres) and I must attempt to eat every 3 hours until dinner....breakfast when I actually wake up (coffee does not count as breakfast apparently). Not to mention that I have to cut the coffee down to 1 cup a day, she would've preferred none or to drink it with only milk added but, that was non-negotiable for me. So caffeine and sugar withdrawal plus tight muscles and having to pee every 5 seconds due to increased water intake should make for some fun times. I would stay far away from me if I were you and batten down the hatches...wait for the all clear, make sure you bring plenty of supplies. I've been warned this could take 12 weeks before I feel good about it.
I can have "extras"....which I am no longer allowed to call "treats" because she says a treat doesn't make you feel like shit (which was the most intelligent thing I've heard in a while). "Extras" are things that have no nutritional value but, she forgot about Reese's peanut butter cups....hello, peanut butter? Totally not an extra....justtotally not kidding! I have to evaluate first whether or not to actually have the extra....do I really want it? If I do, it's alright to indulge as long as I stay on par 80% of the time. I've already calculated this to mean that I can have an "extra" 10 2 times a week.
E is for "extra" and elephantine (is that even a word, because if it is I am thoroughly impressed with myself) and excess and ewww
Then, I took the picture below (with only my Blackberry on hand) again, not distracted at all. It was my view through the mesh blind in the restaurant...I thought the colors and the building silhouette's were totally cool with the sun beaming down on them. I've missed you sun.
- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (One day at a time....as long as it's 80% of the time)
Ordered up some iced teas and Kitsilano sandwiches which were yumma! Got down to business....real skinny business. Basically she told me that I am lucky to not be obese considering how inactive I am and that I eat junk food almost every night addictively....also the 4-6 cups of coffee I have daily each with cream and sugar to which she sort of just dropped her jaw. I had to agree, the only thing that has saved me would be that I have the knowledge on how to eat properly and I do, all day everyday until the evening munchy gremlins get me, and they get me good.
The plan is to have "activity" 6 days a week. 3 strength days, 2 endurance days, 1 flexibility day and 1 day of rest. Pretty cool right? Yeah, she's an awesome trainer and really knows her stuff....she is possibly the only person I've met who actually can teach me things I didn't already know but, just haven't applied to my own daily existence. I trained with her for a bit before I had to appear in a bikini in the Dominican and she practically killed me (kidding) but, it was crazy intense, I wasn't even allowed to watch TV while exercising...I cried a little.
I took the above picture of the pendant light fixture (totally not distracted) while she did a nice routine up for me, with goals to reach because she knows how absurdly competitive I can be, even with myself. She said that when I reach the goals in a month or a week...wait a second, was that a challenge?....Did she challenge me and I'm not even realizing it until now? Sneaky, very sneaky. There are free weights, treadmills, resistance bands, stability balls and tables involved? I'm a little terror-stricken but, I think I'll be able to manage.
She was demonstrating (in the middle of the restaurant) how to do a Lateral Raise and I just asked her to write "chicken wing" so I would know what to do....she may have been unimpressed at that point, I can't be sure. There were a lot of things crossed out on my plan because I would tell her "oh, yeah bring it on that's so easy" and then when I saw what she was writing down I had a panic attack and started telling her she was crazy to think I could do all that. So she wimped it down for me quite a bit to start out...nice of her I guess.
So my aim is to do what is laid out in the plan 100% of the time but, I FAIL if I don't get 80% for 6 weeks time. Surprised that I am being graded (or must grade myself), not sure when a healthy lifestyle became some ivy league test but, I am too scared to find out what she will do to me should I fall below the 80% marker. She may be tiny but, I know from experience that when it comes to personal training she doesn't fool around and can be quite frankly....scary.
I have to get 3-4 servings of whole grains, 5 of protein and 6 of veg/fruit daily. Drink 3 litres of water (minimum 2 litres) and I must attempt to eat every 3 hours until dinner....breakfast when I actually wake up (coffee does not count as breakfast apparently). Not to mention that I have to cut the coffee down to 1 cup a day, she would've preferred none or to drink it with only milk added but, that was non-negotiable for me. So caffeine and sugar withdrawal plus tight muscles and having to pee every 5 seconds due to increased water intake should make for some fun times. I would stay far away from me if I were you and batten down the hatches...wait for the all clear, make sure you bring plenty of supplies. I've been warned this could take 12 weeks before I feel good about it.
I can have "extras"....which I am no longer allowed to call "treats" because she says a treat doesn't make you feel like shit (which was the most intelligent thing I've heard in a while). "Extras" are things that have no nutritional value but, she forgot about Reese's peanut butter cups....hello, peanut butter? Totally not an extra....just
E is for "extra" and elephantine (is that even a word, because if it is I am thoroughly impressed with myself) and excess and ewww
Then, I took the picture below (with only my Blackberry on hand) again, not distracted at all. It was my view through the mesh blind in the restaurant...I thought the colors and the building silhouette's were totally cool with the sun beaming down on them. I've missed you sun.
- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (One day at a time....as long as it's 80% of the time)
Thursday, January 06, 2011
Resolute Resolutions
Normally I am not one for resolutions but, how can I not participate in something that actually makes you stop and think about what good changes you want to make in the near future. That's what I'm all about really, progression and growth and change (especially considering I change my mind every 5 seconds).
I have yet to fully comprehend those people that are completely satisfied with who they are...so much so that they actually express an unwillingness to evolve. I can't tell you how many times I've heard a woman say to me "I am a bitch, who cares...that's just who I am." Not to say you shouldn't be happy with your current circumstances or persona but, unless your on death's doorstep there is always room for more growth, more learning, more progression.
So my theme for 2011 (yes I have a theme) is love. Love others, love myself.
I "pretend" to love others, I do a lot for them and I try to maintain some sense of compassion and empathy in my relationships but, honestly I'm just as judgemental as the next wise ass and I'd like not to be. I would like my opinions to be about important issues, life circumstances....things that matter. Not about people. I've come to realize as of late that until you walk in someone else's shoes (literally not figuratively) you can never have a valid opinion about how they carry themselves or how they carry out their days. Sure, I will always instinctively want to judge people I think are irresponsible, mean, deceiving or just plain crazy but, I no longer feel like I need to have an opinion about them. Sometimes, my judgment comes from the inability to understand another persons actions, maybe I am angry with them or maybe I see something in them that I do not like about myself. Don't get me wrong...I will defend my character if attacked but, I am going to make a sincere attempt to lessen if not eliminate my sanctimonious attitudes (sometimes) towards others, especially people I don't have day-to-day contact with and really know very little about.
For the "loving myself" portion I've compiled a list of things I would like to try my darnedest to complete, eliminate or attempt. In no particular order, except the order they come out of my brain:
Drink more loose tea, now I'm talking super cool, different and beneficial teas. Like the one's at Davids Tea introduced to me by some super cool family members!
Take my supplements religiously. You'd think that I would take them regularly considering my job and my knowledge but, for some reason I convince myself they really do nothing and almost as soon as I decide that I feel the negative effects of not taking them. Maybe it's some form of self-torture....
Stop self torture. See former paragraph.
Exercise long term. I know...we've seen this one before, multiple times in fact. I reeeaaally am going to give this my 100% attention this year. Not because I want to but, I need to. If my health continues to deteriorate like it has in the past 8 years I am seriously fearful to see where it'll be in another decade. My problem with exercise is that I go hard and go all out for about 30-60 days and then I find some excuse to stop for a while and just like that....I am stagnant, again. My approach this year is going to be variety (changing the routine every 30 days) and long term achievable results. No more P90X for me, I am one who really needs to start small. If all goes well maybe P90X will make the roster for 2012.
Drink more water, eat better, regiment my eating. Technically that was 3 but, they go together so get off my back about it would ya. Pretty self explanatory. Meeting with hubby's sister in 2 days to develop a plan (personal trainer). She's got some ideas I've actually never heard before, they intrigue me....remind me to write about it later.
Complete the 365 project. Because it's awesome and what other way would you actually be able to remember at least one part of each day for a whole year. You should do it too. Right now.....I'm waiting. Follow me here if you do!
Keep adding to my Bucketlist and hopefully start crossing some off. Might be able to do the Vegas thing at some point this year and once I know what's going on with my health, I'm going to do the blood thing (if I can). Totally going to faint and hyperventilate, wonder who I'll rope into going with me for hand holding purposes?
To NOT watch season 3 of Jersey Shore this year. Oh, who I am kidding...it's worth the brain cells I'll lose for that kind of train-wreck entertainment! *fist pump*
Quit that dirty, nasty, disgusting habit some call smoking. Oh GOD did I seriously just type this? I am so ashamed that I actually started doing it AGAIN. So, yeah that too.
That's all she wrote. Wish me luck, I wish you luck with whatever resolutions and/or goals you've laid out for 2011. It's gonna be a good year people, I can feel it and according to the Mayans we've got less than 2 years left until the end of this time....so make it count, while you still can.
Cue: Twilight Zone theme song. Nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee....
Hitch-hiker: I believe you're going...my way?
- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (Looking forward, never backward....except when someone is following me and I need to give them the stink eye)
I have yet to fully comprehend those people that are completely satisfied with who they are...so much so that they actually express an unwillingness to evolve. I can't tell you how many times I've heard a woman say to me "I am a bitch, who cares...that's just who I am." Not to say you shouldn't be happy with your current circumstances or persona but, unless your on death's doorstep there is always room for more growth, more learning, more progression.
So my theme for 2011 (yes I have a theme) is love. Love others, love myself.
I "pretend" to love others, I do a lot for them and I try to maintain some sense of compassion and empathy in my relationships but, honestly I'm just as judgemental as the next wise ass and I'd like not to be. I would like my opinions to be about important issues, life circumstances....things that matter. Not about people. I've come to realize as of late that until you walk in someone else's shoes (literally not figuratively) you can never have a valid opinion about how they carry themselves or how they carry out their days. Sure, I will always instinctively want to judge people I think are irresponsible, mean, deceiving or just plain crazy but, I no longer feel like I need to have an opinion about them. Sometimes, my judgment comes from the inability to understand another persons actions, maybe I am angry with them or maybe I see something in them that I do not like about myself. Don't get me wrong...I will defend my character if attacked but, I am going to make a sincere attempt to lessen if not eliminate my sanctimonious attitudes (sometimes) towards others, especially people I don't have day-to-day contact with and really know very little about.
For the "loving myself" portion I've compiled a list of things I would like to try my darnedest to complete, eliminate or attempt. In no particular order, except the order they come out of my brain:
Drink more loose tea, now I'm talking super cool, different and beneficial teas. Like the one's at Davids Tea introduced to me by some super cool family members!
Take my supplements religiously. You'd think that I would take them regularly considering my job and my knowledge but, for some reason I convince myself they really do nothing and almost as soon as I decide that I feel the negative effects of not taking them. Maybe it's some form of self-torture....
Stop self torture. See former paragraph.
Exercise long term. I know...we've seen this one before, multiple times in fact. I reeeaaally am going to give this my 100% attention this year. Not because I want to but, I need to. If my health continues to deteriorate like it has in the past 8 years I am seriously fearful to see where it'll be in another decade. My problem with exercise is that I go hard and go all out for about 30-60 days and then I find some excuse to stop for a while and just like that....I am stagnant, again. My approach this year is going to be variety (changing the routine every 30 days) and long term achievable results. No more P90X for me, I am one who really needs to start small. If all goes well maybe P90X will make the roster for 2012.
Drink more water, eat better, regiment my eating. Technically that was 3 but, they go together so get off my back about it would ya. Pretty self explanatory. Meeting with hubby's sister in 2 days to develop a plan (personal trainer). She's got some ideas I've actually never heard before, they intrigue me....remind me to write about it later.
Complete the 365 project. Because it's awesome and what other way would you actually be able to remember at least one part of each day for a whole year. You should do it too. Right now.....I'm waiting. Follow me here if you do!
Keep adding to my Bucketlist and hopefully start crossing some off. Might be able to do the Vegas thing at some point this year and once I know what's going on with my health, I'm going to do the blood thing (if I can). Totally going to faint and hyperventilate, wonder who I'll rope into going with me for hand holding purposes?
To NOT watch season 3 of Jersey Shore this year. Oh, who I am kidding...it's worth the brain cells I'll lose for that kind of train-wreck entertainment! *fist pump*
Quit that dirty, nasty, disgusting habit some call smoking. Oh GOD did I seriously just type this? I am so ashamed that I actually started doing it AGAIN. So, yeah that too.
That's all she wrote. Wish me luck, I wish you luck with whatever resolutions and/or goals you've laid out for 2011. It's gonna be a good year people, I can feel it and according to the Mayans we've got less than 2 years left until the end of this time....so make it count, while you still can.
Cue: Twilight Zone theme song. Nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee....
Hitch-hiker: I believe you're going...my way?
- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (Looking forward, never backward....except when someone is following me and I need to give them the stink eye)
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Broken Promises
No resolutions today as promised.....got too busy learning how to use my camera (without autopilot and photo editing software). I am committed to the 365 project, so that took priority today. I am obsessed with it. It is however a resolution of mine to complete it so I guess you got a partial post out of me!
Tomorrow, tomorrow I love ya tomorrow.....you're always a day away!
PS - If you want to check out my 365 project click here
- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (Queen of OCD)
Tomorrow, tomorrow I love ya tomorrow.....you're always a day away!
PS - If you want to check out my 365 project click here
- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (Queen of OCD)
Another Year Over and a New One Just Begun
First and foremost I would like to apologize for my lack of bloggery. I know the "Holiday" season has past because all my nails have been chewed to the skin, the scale shows the annual 5 pound gain, I have bags under my eyes that not even Mac can fix, my MasterCard bill is making me contemplate robbing a bank bankruptcy and in general I feel like cow dung (whatever that feels like, I imagine bad....really bad and a little smelly).
Christmas for us is so unbelievably ridiculously busy with Judd having 9 siblings, me with divorced parents and friends or family that weren't participative in those "Christmases". It's like every year we get sucked into this perpetual Christmas wormhole that I have just started to emerge from now. It was a good one, I think...as far as Christmases go. I wouldn't call it a holiday though, more like an obligatory list of never ending tasks to complete in an impossible time frame which can only be coped with by ingesting excessive amounts of baked goods, caffeine and in my case, beta blockers.
This year similar to all other years was complete with me skulking around the house wearing my Grinch hat, muttering many Bah-Humbugs under my chocolaty breath and randomly fist pumping the air. I daydreamed about how I could pull off a Grinch who stole Christmas type operation, just to see what would happen. I bet there would be no singing around a gargantuan tree that's for sure. I especially love the part when everyone that has extremely privileged children (including my own) continuously repeats to those very children that Christmas is not about presents. Is that just the right thing to say to kids these days because in my opinion, it totally is about presents (and food). Sure, there is family involved but, I don't see how it really differs from any other time I see my family. I also am "reminded" to give generously to the people who need it most but, shouldn't I be doing this all year round or do poor people only eat at Christmas?
Okay, okay that was a rant and a half...I'll cease to have an opinion about it until next year because if there's one thing I've learned it's that no one likes a party pooper, especially a Christmas pooper. Plus I like food, presents and family and for some reason I usually end up having fun regardless of how puffed up I can get about it.
Too much has happened to go into much detail but, maybe you fancy a bit of a picture post? Enjoy! Merry, merry and all that jazz! I'll follow up tomorrow with my 2011 resolutions, they're pretty marvelous and I'm hoping to keep at least a third of them for more than 8 days. That's how committed I am...stay tuned (but, at least eat and shower while you are waiting).
A Digital Christmas
That's it....if you made it to the end congratulations you just witnessed Christmas through my eyes and it was a grand one, I can tell you that.
- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (All Christmas'd Out)
Christmas for us is so unbelievably ridiculously busy with Judd having 9 siblings, me with divorced parents and friends or family that weren't participative in those "Christmases". It's like every year we get sucked into this perpetual Christmas wormhole that I have just started to emerge from now. It was a good one, I think...as far as Christmases go. I wouldn't call it a holiday though, more like an obligatory list of never ending tasks to complete in an impossible time frame which can only be coped with by ingesting excessive amounts of baked goods, caffeine and in my case, beta blockers.
This year similar to all other years was complete with me skulking around the house wearing my Grinch hat, muttering many Bah-Humbugs under my chocolaty breath and randomly fist pumping the air. I daydreamed about how I could pull off a Grinch who stole Christmas type operation, just to see what would happen. I bet there would be no singing around a gargantuan tree that's for sure. I especially love the part when everyone that has extremely privileged children (including my own) continuously repeats to those very children that Christmas is not about presents. Is that just the right thing to say to kids these days because in my opinion, it totally is about presents (and food). Sure, there is family involved but, I don't see how it really differs from any other time I see my family. I also am "reminded" to give generously to the people who need it most but, shouldn't I be doing this all year round or do poor people only eat at Christmas?
Okay, okay that was a rant and a half...I'll cease to have an opinion about it until next year because if there's one thing I've learned it's that no one likes a party pooper, especially a Christmas pooper. Plus I like food, presents and family and for some reason I usually end up having fun regardless of how puffed up I can get about it.
Too much has happened to go into much detail but, maybe you fancy a bit of a picture post? Enjoy! Merry, merry and all that jazz! I'll follow up tomorrow with my 2011 resolutions, they're pretty marvelous and I'm hoping to keep at least a third of them for more than 8 days. That's how committed I am...stay tuned (but, at least eat and shower while you are waiting).
A Digital Christmas
Cookies that I made for the school holiday bake sale....Judd helping me at 1:00 am because I would've had no sleep otherwise....extremely detailed...NEVER again. |
My boys in St.Malo, at Mom and Garry's....by far the most peaceful. Staying up late, guitar, drums, food, drink and fire. Very low key....lovely. |
J'adore St.Malo |
My favorite gifts....2010 theme stocking cross stitched by Mom. Mosaik by Aidan, complete with 7 year bad luck broken mirror (which he placed there on purpose). |
Me = Chopstick Ninja. Chopsticks from awesome Shitake Mushroom growing kit....awesome. |
Supernatural book on Manitoba events. I agree, if I ever saw that I would run for the hills....in Selkirk. |
Gorgeous food prepared by Chef Ray and my lovely sister in law....superb. Always enjoy this one for the food and the people...especially the food. Did I mention the food? |
Not an annual occurrence but, one of my dearest friends visited. Like she never left. Will miss her again....A LOT. |
Sometimes I wonder if Judd realizes how silly he actually is. Young at heart, that's my man. |
"Privileged" Aidan with all his new swag. Goosebumps movies, iPods and Playmobil, oh my! Remember Aidan it's not about the presents though. |
No Christmas is complete without our furry companions. Kneesaa is a pretty girl and Riff....well I think he ate too much turkey. |
That's it....if you made it to the end congratulations you just witnessed Christmas through my eyes and it was a grand one, I can tell you that.
- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (All Christmas'd Out)
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