Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Somethings Gotta Give

If I were a contestant on the Biggest Loser this week I would've heard that dreadful phrase "I'm sorry to say Sarah, you are NOT the biggest loser."  *sigh*

The truth of it is Kim and Pam totally handed my ass to me on a silver platter this week.  Pam is feeling so good about herself that her energy busted through my screen when I got her update yesterday (it was quite a site, wish I had my camera).  Kim had a lovely 4 day visit with her newly appointed FIANCE!  So a big congrats goes out to my skinny bitch Kim for taking the marital plunge!  She considers "intimate" relations and the flu as major contributors to her ridiculous amount of weight loss this week.  That could in other instances be a dangerous combination but, for her it seemed to be just the right one. 

I don't know really I have every excuse in the book....coming down from a high stress week, too many feel sorry for myself trips to the pantry, not enough sleep, not enough water...WAY too much coffee, pain and that's probably just the short list.  Truth is though that generally those are the very "excuses" from preventing most women from being consistent with weight loss.  We are always too busy taking care of other people, far too busy to even think about taking care of ourselves. 

I heard it all working at U Weight Loss;  "I had this horrible pain in my pinkie toe this week and I just couldn't go for a walk.", "My sister's best friend's dog died and it was just so stressful I ate a whole tub of ice cream.", "My husband wanted to watch football all day on Sunday so I forgot to drink my water."  Okay maybe some of those are exaggerations but, really not only do women in general not take care of themselves they also blame it on everything and everyone.  I know I do, most of the time. 

So I went 6 weeks doing well and for the past 2 weeks I've noticed a decline happening again.  What is with this 6 week mental block I have in me?  I think someone pushes my self destruct button while I'm sleeping.  Ugh.  Lucky for me I've managed to maintain my weight loss but, I know from experience the scale will surely begin to tip in the other direction soon enough.  Well NOT this time fat ass!  I'm done, I'm not going back before I start again.  I woke up this morning and made the decision, food diary again...on the treadmill tonight and we continue.  NO STARTING OVER.

I finally got my 24 hour collection over with for the Endocrinologist after a not so pleasant phone call from her office asking where it was.  She is checking for Cushings which is the very last thing I wait on before hopefully not seeing her again for another 5 months.  She just needs to keep an eye on the goiter to make sure nothing is changing.  If it grows anymore it will need to be surgically removed so I would like it to stay just the way it is thank you very much.  Other than that things have been improving on the health front nicely. 

Without torturing you further with my brain barf here are the stats for the week:

Skinny Bitch    Start Weight   Loss lbs    % weight loss   Total lbs    Total %

SARAH                167                   0               0%                      5            2.91%

KIM                     199                   4                2.01%               12           5.80%PAM                    186                   2                1.08%               10           6.12%

- The St.Godard Brood Keeper....ONWARD!

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