Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Pretty acurate portrayal of what I look like
weighing myself...oh except I don't have red hair.

Just a quick post for my Skinny Bitches....I'm all turned around lately, really busy with life in general and all the ridiculous things I take on.  Judd has started work at 7am now, so I'm up as soon as he leaves to get Aidan off to school and get myself ready for work.  Although I think Judd and I are both happier this way, it's taken some adjusting for me the last 2 days as I generally behave like I'm nocturnal.  Usually my head does not hit the pillow until after 1:00 am on a good day. 

Try to post a better update in the next few days but, for now the highly anticipated weigh in results:

Skinny Bitch    Start Weight       Loss lbs         % weight loss    Total lbs      Total %

SARAH               169                   2                     1.18%             5             2.91%

KIM                    202                   3                      1.49%            8             3.86%

PAM                   189                   0                         0%               5             2.58%

So Kim wins the week weigh in and pulls into the lead for the whole thing.  Don't get too cocky there Kim, Pam and I were just letting you have one to be good sports about it all.  A huge congrats to Kim as she has also quit smoking this past week and still managed to lose weight with all that stress! 

Pam's weight actually fluctuated quite a bit this week, weighing kind of sucks, it's not very accurate short term.  We're in it for the long haul though so shouldn't matter in the grand scheme Pam....you'll kick my ass do great!

Again if anyone wants to join us Skinny Bitches in the fight against fat, lemme know.  We're just getting started up in here!

- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (aka Blubber)

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