Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto

You know the times when your child approaches you ever so cautiously immediately upon your return from work twiddling their thumbs, making just enough eye contact to give you the kind of look you only see on World Vision commercials, with a little sway action in their hip region and with the sweetest of voices, the kind you rarely hear and you know has been rehearsed and they say "Mom, do you think you might want to play with me?"  

Why is it that intuitively they somehow know that right now, at this very moment you are at any second liable to become comatose from the sheer exhaustion of life?  I believe my child has some sort of sixth sense (or somehow picked up spidey senses from all those Spiderman cartoons I kept him occupied with so I could nap on the couch I watched with him) that accurately gauges how tired I will be when I arrive. He deliberately homes in on it especially on days where I have gotten amounts of sleep that are dangerously low, and the computer breaks down at work, and I've only had 2 cups of coffee, and I had to make 2 stops on the way home, and, and, and......"Of course bud, just let me finish wolfing down my already cold dinner that I've barely chewed because my stomach is eating itself after only having time for half a cup of cold oatmeal for breakfast, and some luke-warm microwaved left overs from 3 nights ago....I'd LOVE to."

So, we made a tin can robot.  Well, I did.  Aidan helped by singing Christmas Carols in all sorts of tear your hair out annoying amusing voices and dropping all the miniature screws all over the floor.  At one point (I must've blacked out from rage) I was apparently cursing enough for Aidan to announce that he was going to his room until I could "control" my swearing.  After an hour of hard labor , my our masterpiece was complete (cue evil laughter here).  All I had to do now was rip open all the electronic items in the house in search of 1 AA battery (NEVER included)....we no longer can use the TV remote in the house but, the robot was A-LIVE (and again, evil laughter).  It turned out pretty cool, Aidan ripped it's eye off within a matter of milliseconds and we all (dog included) ran around the house chasing the robot laughing and having that silly kind of fun that makes it all worth it....every fucking blissful minute!

Note to self:  Start a swear jar and then use the money to buy myself new shoes.

- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (aka Mad Scientist)

Whaz That?
Eyeball assault = Result of playing with 8 year old

"Look Ma, a robot"

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1 comment:

  1. K that was super funny. The robot is very cute. The best part is that you got scolded by your 8 year old child for swearing. Maybe you and Dave should go to swearer anonymous together. lol
