Just a quick post a little update on what our pride and joy Aidan is up to these days and a few snap shots of the kids!
A few weeks ago Aidan was in his room drawing and he came out with a picture for me. Assuming this was going to be the regular array of colorful scribbles I was prepared for my proud yet somewhat repetitive reaction of "wow that's beautiful.....what is it?" To my surprise when I looked at the picture for the first time I knew what it was! It was PEOPLE!!!! I didn't know who and frankly didn't care I snatched the picture out of Aidan's hands and gave him a big hug, ran to show Judd what our son had accomplished! I was literally on the edge of tears with pride. As proud parents do, I have attached a single person drawing that he did that same evening...I think this one is his Papa Jim.

Today was one of my days off so Aidan stayed home for some quality one on one time with me. Little did he know that I had been eagerly awaiting time alone with him so that I could teach him to write his name (or get some practise with the letters anyways) Not to say that I don't have faith in how quickly he can learn but I figured this was going to be at least an hour long event and did not expect him to get it down but, rather make some good progress. I ensured to provide a nutritious lunch and some lined paper and we began. I promised him that when he could accomplish writing his name A-I-D-A-N in full without help from me I would give him $20.00 that he could use to purchase his first Game Boy game using his own money, we shook on it and began. I figured first I would get him to spell his name out loud....check, then maybe see if he knew how to draw an A....check o.k for sure he didn't remember the "i" I taught him about a week ago....check. Now he didn't know how to write a "d" so I told him (did not show him) draw a circle with a line going up from it....and so again check, then another A....check and now an "N" one line up, one line down, one line up....this one I had to show him...once, check. So I was pretty blown away and a little nervous considering I did not have a $20.00 bill on me as I was not expecting this type of progress. I asked him if he thought he could do it without any help from me and he said "o.k." and then like before A-i-d-A-N with no help at all! Then his little hand went out and I gave him five and he said "No, can I have my 20 dollars now please!" I had to give him an IOU, needless to say I'll be hitting the ATM tomorrow morning so I have it for him when he gets home from daycare! We called Judd and Aidan told him what he had done and then did it again 3 times for Judd when he first walked in the door. I started to wonder if maybe he had been practising at daycare and he said no only the "A" and he couldn't wait to show his leader what I had taught him today....hmmm o.k so I get to be the hero!
I was quite amazed with our little one as he is like a sponge lately more than he ever was before.

Aidan's vocabulary becomes more impressive each day as well. Some new words that he is saying lately are: Guilty, Meteor, Universe, Intelligent, Thousand and now always asks us if we "noticed" things. I am really happy with the Assiniboine Children's Centre and how much they are focused not only on academics but on healthy living as well. Aidan is learning a lot about exercise and eating healthy and knows what is "good for you" and what is not with foods. Today I made him crackers with peanut butter and he told me he only wanted the peanut butter because the crackers aren't good for your body. I guess it's a good thing Judd and I are back into our healthy eating and exercising because from the sounds of it the next thing they're going to teach him is about how "love handles" aren't good for your body either!
Judd and I are pretty boring lately, like I mentioned we are both trying to eat better and exercise daily to maintain a healthier attitude about life for Aidan and ourselves. We are gearing up for Aidan's kindergarten orientation and registration next week and looking into which activities we want to put Aidan into (music, swimming, martial arts...so many to choose from!) I am getting ready to go to my Doula workshop this weekend and get that started up again which should stimulating. That's about it for all of us, nothing fancy yet...hopefully our year will get a little more exciting soon otherwise this Blog is going to start fading away. I'm sure something will come up soon as we don't tend to stay low key for long!
Oh and Ichabod is really fat now as you can see from the picture....he maybe should also consider changing his eating habits!
Take care everyone,
Love Judd, Sarah, Aidan, Kneesaa & Ichabod

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