So lets see what is new in our land. Well, wedding plans are well on the way so stat tuned for that! That has been pretty consuming for me especially lately. Judd is doing the same old thing, taking care of his family and being a great dad and companion, so I guess he's pretty boring but we like him here! He is extremely busy at work lately but still manages to make it home for dinner every night so I get the best of both worlds!
Aidan is getting to be pretty busy. He attended a birthday party for one of his daycare friends and now we are getting requests for Aidan to come over for "play dates" at some of his friends homes. Judd gave our phone # out to a few of the parents so I guess we'll be doing some community mingling soon. We also registered Aidan for Kindergarten and I have to say it was definitely more than we expected. Judd came home with books full of information on how to prepare Aidan and what type of programs the school offers. They even make up welcome packages including a CD of all the french songs his teacher will sing with them so that he can learn them before he starts! We signed him up for the morning class as for some reason Judd and I both agree that we seem to have a greater attention span in the a.m. so we figure like father (and mother) like son right??? We also signed him up for the literacy program to get a start on early reading, it's really quite neat. A representative comes to the house 4 times over the summer and brings books and activities for Aidan to do with us and then they evaluate how well he took to it. The St.James school division is most focused on literacy, nutrition and physical activity which is good because I even remember when I was in school these programs started to lack in quantity and quality. We have to pay extra for the music program as they have cut funding in this area so that is unfortunate, but at least they've found a means to keep it and if we have to pay extra then so be is VERY important!
He is also registered for swimming lessons at Pan Am Pool starting in April which he is so excited about I finally got around to signing him up! Today Judd went down to the community center to register him for soccer as well! I was so excited I kept calling him from work..."did you go yet, did you go yet?" finally at about noon he got sick of me and went down to our community
center. They asked if he wanted to be the coach! I think it would be great for him to do! He told them if no one else wanted to he would do it so I have my fingers crossed! All the mom's there apparently (Judd's side of the story) smelt fresh meat and were all over the "hot new dad in the community" as he tells it......hmmmmm? Anyway don't exactly know when soccer starts up but we are so looking forward to it, hopefully some of you can make it out to a game, should be entertaining!
New things Aidan is doing are: counting in spanish, counting to 60 in english (when he gets a stick on tattoo we make him count until he can take it off.) Saying "bonjour" to the teachers at his school and he has started to do some chores to earn money so that he can buy a new video game that he saw at Costco. He cleans his room, helps with dusting and helps put away groceries. He is quite happy to help us and we are enjoying it because we expect it doesn't last that long!
We figured out why Ichabod is getting so darn fat...he eats the "large breed" dog food now on top of his own food. Needless to say we now put a lid on the dog food container! Kneesaa is getting happy as the cold is letting up a little and she has been able to go on more walks!
I managed to make it out to St.Pierre for my doula workshop and it was so much fun! I learnt more than I could absorb and watch way to many videos of birth up close and personal. At the beginning I was watching the videos and in my mind I was like "not sure this is for me, this isn't too pretty" but by the end of the weekend I was tearing up every time I watched one so yes I think I am cut out for this after all! I signed up for an accelerated course in April which will allow me to get clients through and organization called MACFE and then after 3 births I will be certified and can start my own Doula business! I'm only planning on taking one client a month and see how that goes so it definitely will be more of a hobby than a career of any sort until I make the decision to really dedicate myself to it. So I am still reading the books and studying the birthing culture and surely beginning to become a "birth junkie" as they call it in the birth community. Other than that not too much going on with me, working living and loving is about all I do these days!
So I guess that is it we are all caught up now, again sorry for the delay...time got away from me there! I will ensure to update more frequently now that I am back in the groove! Hope everyone is happy & healthy. I've attached some candid shots of the fam...enjoy!
Love Judd, Sarah, Aidan, Kneesaa & Ichabod

It was so very nice to hear from you and to see how great your family is doing. We think of you often. We are presently in Arizona and trying to keep warm. Say hi to your mom and dad and we hope to see you when we return to Winnipeg in April..
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