We hope you are all recovering nicely from the holidays and New Years festivities wherever they took you. We certainly had a lovely Christmas and got to see a lot of friends and family we don't usually get to.
Christmas Eve we spent going to Grandma & Grandpa Feenstra's house for a short visit and some lunch. This was the first year since Aidan was born that we all got to go there so close to the holidays to visit them and we are so glad we did. Got some really great fish (Jack) from Grandpa too which was a bonus. After that we went off to the hospital to meet one of Judd's closest friends new addition to their family born that morning and oh boy was he a sight to see, such a little darling with a full head of hair! All giddy with baby love we of course discussed having another baby as we always do when a new little one is introduces in our close cirlce and then it was off to my closest friends house for a relaxing sit down dinner with their family. We managed to make it home not too late where Aidan got to open his remake of the original "Night Before Christmas" book and he also chose to open his present from Uncle Greg and Aunty jodi which was a Spiderman mask and glove which shoots webs (oh did we forget to say thank you for that....wonder why???) Just kidding Judd and Aidan had lots of fun with it later on and all the webs are already gone so we promised Aidan we would buy him some more later on. Then it was off to bed for our tired little one and we got busy wrapping gifts for Santa and stuffing Aidans stocking. A few last drinks and some quality time together and we all headed off to bed as well (Judd, Mom and I).
The rest of the day was spent reorganizing Aidan room so that all his new stuff would fit in there and Judd and I did a little tidying up around the house so that we could enjoy the evening. We all pitched in together and had a wonderful Christmas dinner with only a few minor glitches (me being mostly afraid that the turkey wasn't cooked enough and we were all going to have salmonella for Christmas...we lived after all and the turkey was sooo nice and moist!) After dinner Aidan continued opening gifts and was much more enjoyable this time around he was ripping through them furiously and doing so with a big smile on his face which was a nice ending to the present opening! The rest of the evening was spent relaxing and playing with Aidans new toys....it turned out to be a very nice Christmas indeed!
Thank you to everyone for all the wonderful gifts you got Aidan...he has enjoyed every single one of them so far and there was not one that he wasn't really happy to have! We hope to see you all soon so that he can say thank you in person!
On Boxing Day we headed over to my brothers house for the Miller get together and decided to start the day off early by going for a brisk winters walk and a bit of tobogganing. It was really a nice time, the kids had lots of fun and it was nice to get a bit of fresh air after being cooped up for a few days! We had a gourmet dinner of steak, green beans and potatoes cooked to perfection by my favorite chef in the world and later had some cherry pie and iced cream for dessert. We spent the evening chatting, playing with our oh so cute niece and watching the kids opening presents, it was nice to get everyone together especially since our family had grown by 1 in the last year. Aidan got more good stuff to haul home and of course his favorite present was the bag of gooey severed body parts....I guess this is what it means to have a boy, a house full of disgusting toys! The holidays came to an end for us there and the next day Judd and I both had to work and it was off to daycare for Aidan to tell everyone all the fun things he got to do and all the wonderful gifts he received!
And finally we rang in 2007 at Uncle Al and Aunty Betty's house eating chili outside by a cozy fire and snacking on fresh banick cooked over the open fire. It was a very relaxed evening which was a perfect way to celebrate another year past and a new year beginning. I think this turned out to be after all the best Christmas for us yet....we are so happy that we had all of you to share it with. All the best in the New Year and we hope to see you all soon!
Love Judd, Sarah, Aidan, Kneesaa & Ichabod
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