JUDD - What can I say about the man, he's doing great! Always working hard and trying to keep me happy and Aidan entertained. He had finally agreed to let me have another dog, however we are in no rush so I told him I would take my time finding one. He is ready to wrap up the major home renovations until after winter now and only has a few minor things to finish up this weekend before packing it in for a long winters nap! He got his friend Jason who is planning on becoming a professional photographer to spend a few hours with us today and get some family photos which was really fun, and what a great day to do it!
AIDAN - He has been learning a multitude of new songs at daycare, so many I can't even keep up with him. He learnt one about a frog, one about a bumble bee and also can sing "I've been working on the railroad" all the way through even the Dinah in the kitchen part. It is quite amusing I must say and keeps us entertained. He's been really tired this week after daycare as they have been doing a lot of new things. On Wednesday he had a dance party for Manitoba in Motion and when he came home he took of his socks and jeans, crawled into bed and we could not get him to wake up until Thursday morning when it was time to go back! On Thursday his class had a Yoga instructor come in and they did Yoga for the afternoon. I think I was more excited about it then he was, oh how I miss Yoga!
One of his leaders told Judd that Aidan is very popular and the other children revolve what they do around what Aidan wants to do. Right now I guess he is the leader of the pack. When I go and pick him up at the end of the day all the girls ask for hugs before he goes....so cute! He also got invited to his first party for Halloween however Judd says he can't go because he wants to take Aidan trick-or-treating, I think there is a little seperation anxiety going on there, I would have let him go with his friends!
He has already picked out his Halloween costume for this year and he has decided to be Spiderman. He looks so cute in his costume, you can't even tell that it is him because he has a mask with it. We can't wait until Halloween in this house! Other than that he has joined Kneesaa and I at the dog park a few times this week which he always enjoys!
SARAH - Nothing really new here. I've started my pre-workshop study guide for the doula workshop at the end of October and am finding it a lot more difficult and time consuming that I expected. It took me about 2 hours to answer like 2 questions as there is a lot of medical terminology and I have to know alot about the anatomy of a woman during pregnancy. I have to answer over 60 questions like "List the emotional state of a woman in transition" and Physiologically what happens during a uterine contraction?" Gee they didn't teach us this in sex ed, or did I skip that day? Anyways I'm trying to keep up with it and am getting really excited as I will be able to attend actual births starting in November...now all I have to do is find some women who will let me be there when they give birth, no easy task I'm sure!
Here are the pictures from today....they are in really low resolution so that the photographer could send them all to me via email as there were 180 of them so you can imagine how good the real pictures are! All photos were taken by Jason Fiwchuk, if anyone is interested in having photos done by him let me know and I can forward you his contact information. We think he did a really great job in such little time! These are some of our favorite shots:

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