Hello to all of you out there! This week was pretty good for us although the weather sure wasn't!
We had a lot of great news...one of my friends twins got to come home from the hospital this week, antoher one of our friends got engaged so it was a happy week overall.
JUDD - Is busy working outside while I am writing this, he is furiously trying to get things completed as he wasn't expecting the snow to fly so soon so now he has a limited time to get it all completed. And Steve.....he will be calling you to come tomorrow so don't worry! He's happy as I brought home beer for him last night which he doesn't get all that often anymore! Yesterday I caught him watching my recording of Oprah....he says it was one on the war in Afghanistan...yeah yeah sure it was.
AIDAN - Is growing up way to fast for my liking. He comes home and talks about all his different friends and is excited about the snow, well more eating the snow which I try to get him not to do. Again on Thursday he was so exhausted that he just crashed right after daycare and slept all the way through until Friday morning. He can actually carry on a pretty good coversation now which is pretty fun for us, we still at the dinner table enthrawled with the little guy as he has so much to share! It was his turn with the "Book Bag" this week at daycare which I think is a great idea. They send home a bag with him and in it there is a book, a puppet that has something to do with the book and an activity card which gives you ideas on how to interact during, and after reading the book! He learnt a lot about crickets and self esteem as it was a book about a cricket who wants to be a butterfly because a frog told him he was ugly. For all you moms and dads out there it's a really good read with great illustrations called " I Wish I Were a Butterfly" by James Howes. Aidan is still loving his daycare very much but he calls it his "school". He is really excited about Halloween and we should have fun going to BOO at the Zoo next week!
SARAH - Not up to much these days, same old. Working still full time should be part time in another 2 weeks. I found a bunch of old friends through the internet which is good and now I'm catching up with them a bit. Trying to get a handle on this doula thing and trying to study as much as possible! I'm starting to become somewhat of a breastfeeding advocate as I attended a LLL meeting this past week (breast feeding group) and some of the women were sharing how they have been discriminated against for breastfeeding their babies in public. Some were asked to go in a private area, some asked to leave all together and another mother is breastfeeding her baby in her car at lunch hour because here co-workers do not approve! For anyone that is reading this who are uneducated about the benefits of breastfeeding here are a few little tid bits to consider:
1. A woman can significantly decrease her risk of breast cancer if she breastfeeds for a total of 2 years throughout her life
2. Children who are not breastfed for a minimum of 1 year are prone to obesity, disease and allergies
3. Mothers who breastfeed are also prone to less illness. Diseases such as type 2 diabetes and arthritis can be forced into remision during breastfeeding
4. It is a womans natural and LEGAL right to breastfeed a child up to the age of 5 in any public place....so if you have a problem with it YOU leave!
Finally.......breasts are not sexual objects, this was never their purpose society has made them this way. Woman have breast tissue to produce milk and colostrum for their babies there is no other use for them so PLEASE let women use them for there purpose without making them feel dirty, uncomfortable or wrong for doing so. Treating women this way who are only nurishing their children in the best way possible is just plain IGNORANT!
Oh and please explain to any children that are close to you what breastfeeding is and why it's done so that future generations will not have to deal with the discrimination of breastfeeding.
And now that my rant is over I will leave you with some pictures to look at! Hope you are all happy and healthy!
Love Judd, Sarah, Aidan, Kneesaa & Ichabod

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