Judd, Aidan and I decorated the house last night and had a really great time. Aidan usually doesn't want to participate for very long but he sure was in the spirit yesterday! He put on his Santa hat and was raring to go all evening, helping with the tree, taking pictures and having some Christmas chocolates. As you can imagine Kneesaa and Ichabod are enthrawled with the new decor as well and numerous things have already been knocked off the tree...it's a good thing they are so cute, otherwise I think we'd have cat and dog snowmen on our front lawn.
Aidan is getting psyched up for the Chritmas concert the day care is putting on. His group is singing "Rockin Around the Christmas Tree" and he has been practising every day...he's almost got the whole thing down! They have limited space so only Judd and I can go but we will be sure and video tape it for anyone who wanted to go. Aidan is also eagerly anticipating Christmas this year and is doing lots of planning. He already went to see Santa after practising what he was going to say over and over...I think he enjoyed the experience but was a little nervous. He keeps asking how many more days until Christmas and walks around the house saying "I love you" to everyone and telling us thank you for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I think when Santa told him he would get presents if he was a good boy he really took it to heart. Hopefully it lasts past Christmas!
Anyways here is some pics of our beginning of Christmas and the infamous picture of Aidan's 2006 visit to Santa! Hope you are all enjoying the holiday season!
Love Judd, Sarah, Aidan, Kneesaa and Ichabod

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