We haven't really been up to much lately, some shopping getting ready for the holidays, went to Toys R Us and thought I was going to have a panic attack right there in the store! There is way too much to choose from this holiday season for the kids it's so much fun to look but oh so hard to decide.
We have also been selecting our charities or causes that we will be donating to in lieu of presents for adults which has been a lot of fun so far. I think we've decided to do a Santa sack for a little boy which my mom brought over for Aidan to do, a donation to CancerCare Manitoba, a donation to the Humane Society, we purchased some tickets to the Fire Fighters Burn Fund Show, We will be buying school supplies for 4 Canadian children and making another donation to the Christmas Cheer Board, oh and then the Shoebox we did already.
I think we made some really good decisions and it feels so much better than running around the malls finding things for people which either have more than they need already or you don't really know them well enough and only can really get generic gifts. There is so much more meaning in this for us and it gives us an opportunity to show Aidan what we believe Christmas is really about which is giving to those less fortunate and helping one another. Judd is also finding that this is much more fun and he is getting really involved which is nice to see as usually I am left to do all the shopping etc because he hates doing it, this is something we were all able to participate in as a family.
Aidan is doing great as always, he is getting bigger by the minute it seems as I had to go out and get him practically a new wardrobe as all of a sudden his pants were a few inches too short and his shirts were becoming belly revealing, it always seems like it happens over night! He has begun singing Christmas carols so we are privileged to listen to them at the dinner table usually he sings them to what he must believe to be a hearing impaired audience as it is usually quite loud and shrieky! He has been playing his new computer games which were given to him recently to learn letters and reading skills so he is really into those and enjoying them. He is doing really well with his spelling and we are making a little progress on the reading too, although I have laid off quite a bit as everyone is trying to reassure me that it is "normal" that he can't read yet...not sure if I believe it yet though! He is also taking multivitamins now which have really helped with his energy level after daycare...he is still pretty tired when he comes home but at least now he is conscious until after his bath!
Kneesaa is the same a pleasure most of the time and a pain the rest of the time, she learnt how to do a "high five" which is pretty cute, but she will only do it for animal crackers right now and not for her regular treats. We are taking her on a play date with 2 other pups tomorrow, I'm sure she will enjoy that! Ichabod got into a scrap and cut his ear open and then it got infected so he had a big abscess which I had to squeeze and thankfully Josie came and brought him some antibiotics (thanks again!) it is so nice to have someone connected to the vetrinary business who can tell you what to do without charging you an arm an a leg for it...we are very thankful to her for that!
Work is still going really well for me and I am still enjoying the benefits of working part time. I found out that I am getting 5 days off over Christmas and paid full time hours for all 3 stats over the holidays so that was a really nice surprise! I also get my first raise on Christmas day which will be good too! I can brag a little right? I am always waiting for the other shoe to drop with this job because when things seem too good to be true they usually are and I came from a pretty bad work environment in my last job but, so far so good...I will keep my fingers crossed. Judd's work is really busy and he is working hard everyday, it is nice as he is able to make a little extra money right at the end of the year to help with RRSP's, we are trying to build a nest egg as best we can! Things are pretty steady around the homestead for us, we are all very happy and just enjoying time with each other and some old and new friends...getting some R&R before we settle in for a nice relaxing at home holiday which Judd and I are eagerly anticipating and really looking forward to. Things have really come together for Judd, Aidan and I this past year and we have a lot to be thankful for, we anticipate 2007 to be one of our best years yet, we are finally a family and comfortable in our life, I can't tell you how long I've waited and how good it feels to be happy, I am certainly blessed!
Anyways, we hope you are all happy and healthy and enjoying the beginnings of the holiday season! Attaching some pics of the wedding Aidan and Judd attended!
Love: Judd, Sarah, Aidan, Kneesaa and Ichabod!

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