Hello Everyone!
These posts are getting few and far between and our lives are getting busier by the day. When the weather gets nice the whole world comes alive! We have been taking advantage of the warmth that's for sure!
We will start off with our little man AIDAN as that is why most of you come here I'm sure! He is doing great, a little sick right now but nothing that can keep him off his toes. He really enjoyed Easter this year and really bought in to the whole Easter Bunny idea. It is always so uplifting to witness his enthusiasm and innocence on days like those, tis what makes life worth living, for me anyway. We are still overflowed with chocolate and candy as I tend to over-do the whole Easter egg hunt thing not realizing how much junk I've actually bought. A lot of it goes in Judd's belly too though so it's good portion control for Aidan. I was smart enough to buy things I don't really like so that I would stay away from it, although I have also succumbed to temptation and snuck a few treats for myself.
He had his first, second and third swimming lesson which are going very well. We are really happy that we chose 9 am on a Sunday because it gets us up and out of the house early and we usually have a great day because of it! He enjoys them very much and is always excited to go back. We weren't really sure what to expect with him having to go in the water without us, but there were no problems and he jumped right in! He is doing well and follows direction although he is really focused on getting our attention to see every little thing he does. After swimming we all go to Tim Horton's and we get coffee to wake us up a little and we all share some Tim Bits in celebration of his morning accomplishments as Tim Bits are his favorite!
We got his bike out from the basement and he rode it for the first time since he got it for his birthday and he was a little nervous at first because he went over a big bump and almost tipped over but now he motors along pretty good. We are hoping to practise enough this year to be able to remove his training wheels (well that is the goal anyway) We try to make an effort for him to ride every evening after dinner because it really winds down the day nicely for all of us.
Other than that he is still busy making art like crazy, it is starting to get a little more creative which is nice but I still have the problem of being over-run with it all over the house. Apparently this is pay back as when I was little my parents were forced to put everything on the fridge that I made. My father would put them all in a garbage bag later and told me he was sending them to the "art gallery"....hmmm maybe that would work with Aidan?
Aidan is extremely helpful, he is always wanting to be involved in anything we are doing. He helps me vacuum, load the dishwasher and is always up for helping make dinner or lunch and still one of his favorite things to do is the laundry! We are very lucky there for now! Some of his tasks are short lived though and he usually wanders off saying he's tired of cleaning etc now....if life were only like that for us adults!
Soccer starts for him next week and we are all pumped up for that. They found a coach after all so Judd is out for that and now he regrets not volunteering outright. He says he will do it next year for sure. We can't wait to see him playing on a team it should be pretty amusing to see all those little ones running around together! I am sad as I will have to miss his first game due to a class I am taking, but Judd will video tape it for me and Aidan and I will watch it together I figure on Friday as I have the day off....next best thing right?
Judd & I have been busy ourselves. Work for Judd just hasn't seemed to slow down yet like it usually does so he is still at it everyday. We are in the planning stages of what renovations are going to be done this summer so that is exciting and scary at the same time! Judd also has a few weddings that he is involved in so lots of commitments there with showers, stags, fittings etc.
I have been busy with work and a Doula course I am taking every Thursday. Today I went on a hospital tour of the labor floors at Women's Hospital which was pretty cool. I am just about ready to start taking clients which is exciting for me! In my down time I am still lap swimming to get in shape and I am actually starting to see some real results which has been uplifting and encouraging to keep going. Between all of that I am still trying to stay on top of this wedding planning and have sort of faltered a little in that department. I am going to pick it back up full force when my Doula course is over so that I limit how much I am doing, otherwise I tend to get a little psycho! I have been missing Aidan a lot lately as I am either working, swimming or at my Doula course it seems and I feel like I never get to see him. Needless to say there have been a few tears in that department. I am trying now to keep him home as much as I can on my days off and we do some catching up there. He is really good about it and even got up last night when he heard me come home just to give me a hug awwww! I almost melted, what a sweetie!
Kneesaa & Ichabod are great. Ick has lost pretty much all the dog food weight and is starting to look like himself again. Kneesaa is so happy that the yard has finally dried up so she can run around out there a bit instead of us carrying her through the mud to the dog run....it's just as funny as you are picturing it trust me. She is also getting out for walks more which always makes her calmer at night which is good for us!
That's All Folks...hope you are all enjoying this weather change and are happy and healthy mind and body! Enjoy some candid shots over your morning coffee perhaps and we hope to talk with you all soon.
PS - some of these photos were taken by Aidan as he decided he wanted to take some shots while we were out in the yard...pretty good I must say!!
Photos 1-5 shot by Aidan

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