Sorry, again I have floundered when it comes to the family blogging. I actually was thinking of ending the blog completely but, then so many people have asked when my next post will be that I decided to keep going. Sometimes I don't realize how many people actually check in on this until I haven't seen someone in a while and they know everything that's going on with me anyways. They say "oh yeah I read the blog". So in a way it's a great outlet for me and I'm glad to keep everyone that is interested informed. It has proven to leave a lot of space during visits for actual conversation rather than just "catching up".
Too much has probably happened so, I will do my best to recall the past few months and break it down for all of you.
Aidan finished his first set of private swimming lessons and I am SO impressed! It was worth every extra penny because he ended up passing his level 1 and partial level 2 in just 9 classes. He is like a little fish now and we are excited to start the second round next Friday. You see, his first class was supposed to be this past Friday but, I have no brain now since I started my new medication so after rushing to get there and making Aidan get naked in record time in the change room I discovered I had forgot his swim trunks....ooops! After a bout of crying, and a slush puppy to make up for my mistake I made a serious mental note to bring swim trunks to swimming from now on.
He also finished skating lessons which he did really well in but, we are taking a break right now from skating and karate until the fall. Soccer starts in a few weeks and Judd got suckered into being the head coach for this year. He is still desperately searching for an assistant coach because none of the other parents are able to do it. Judd was also voted onto the board of our community center....ahh how they grow up so fast!
Aidan's social life is flourishing, he is definitely taking after Judd in that respect. He loves to be surrounded by people and doesn't discriminate about who can be his friend. We are busy most weekends with play dates and I am getting to know some of the parents in the community very well. It's nice to be able to network with Aidan's friends parents. He is doing well in school and really in every other aspect of his life. He is still a joy although he is starting to get "boy" stink being so busy all the time so he now has a shower sometimes 2 times a day dependant on what he's doing. I've discovered that little boys are quite disgusting but, he's my disgusting boy and I love him just the same!
Judd is still working plenty. Things have slowed down a little around here and we have had lots of time to just be. Our marriage still has it's bumps but, we are doing substantially better and still finding our way. It's funny that we didn't have a whole lot of serious issues before marriage even though we had already been together for 6 years. As soon as that ring went on trouble started for some reason? I think mostly we just had too much on our plate since we said our I do's and now that things are calmer we are getting back to where we were. It is nice here and we are both committed to making it better with every day. The upstairs bathroom was completed about 3 weeks ago and it is absolutely gorgeous! I can say I am honestly torn between the two. Judd and Papa did such a great job on both bathrooms and we are really beginning to live in and enjoy our home. I thank my lucky stars each time I look around or show it off that I have a father who is willing and able to do all this for us!
Soon, we will be moving on with the renovations and onto the main floor and hopefully the kitchen come fall time. Then it's on to landscaping, garage and fence and finally done! By that time I'm sure something else will come up but, hopefully we'll be able to breathe it all in for a while first!
I am doing well, my business is flourishing finally people are catching on to it. My health is ho-hum some days good, some days not so good but, according to my Dr. this is my life now unless I want to take narcotics (which I DO NOT) I will just have to try my best and deal. I'm still trying to get into a healthy routine some days I falter and some days I don't but, summer is coming which gives me inspiration to get fit and healthy so here's hoping! He did give me a glimmer of hope in saying that normally chronic pain in younger people just disappears sometimes like one day I will wake up and it will be all gone!!! I was hoping I was there so I started to wean off my medication but, within a few days symptoms started to surface so I am back on for now. I've decided not to go back to work for now due to restrictions my Dr. has set out for me so my focus is maintaining a healthy lifestyle and hopefully being pain free most of my days. I am consistently improving otherwise. I have however decided to return to school. I will be upgrading at Red River starting in September and then hopefully on to their accelerated nursing program to become an RN. It is a wide enough field for me that if by the time I graduate if I am still dealing with pain I can go into a less demanding position for the same nursing wage. Or if I am feeling good I can do something that requires my entirety. It's something I wanted to do right after Aidan was born but, I just wasn't in a position where I could return to school. I am now in that position so if things stay stable this is now my goal.
Well, Judd just walked in with some delicious Chinese food....just returned from the circus with Aidan and 4 of his friends so no time for cooking! I'm off and I will post a few pics after dinner from the past few months!
Happiness & Health,
Judd, Sarah, Aidan & Kneesaa
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Back on Track...Well for the Most Part.
Warning...this is a long one so settle in and grab the beverage of your choice....
Long time no blog! Wow, did I ever leave you all "hanging" with that last post. I also got a lot of the uncomfortable " are you doing?". I've come to realize that people in general find honesty very unsettling. It's much better to pretend that everything is classically "I'm good how are you?" This may sound like I am again being pessimistic and you're probably all thinking..."here we go again" but, I can assure you that I am in good spirits and just feeling my way around humanity is all.
So, when I left you last I was angry, confused and totally "in my head". I come back to you clear minded, well rested and generally content. I have changed the blog address because there are certain someones that I no longer wish to share with and you can now only read this by invite. If you are reading this then you are lucky....kidding! On with the updates....
I have had all my testing done (Opthamologist, MRI, Neurology) and everything is very positive. The conclusive diagnosis is that I am a perfect specimen of a human being! My brain (not my mind) is in perfect condition, my heart beats steady, my eyes see clearly and my muscles are lean and plentiful. I have some possible nerve damage from a car accident that happened over 4 years ago now which is suspect to be causing migraine headaches (on a daily basis now) and some vision disturbances. I will be going on a new medication soon to help keep that at bay (ahhh modern medicine). I have one final Dr's appointment at the end of this month to review how my current medication is working (fabulously by the way!). I can see clearly now the rain is gone! So Fibromyalgia and a touch of nerve what a ride! I consider myself extremely blessed to have the Dr's that I did (which were all amazing, compassionate people) and to have had everything literally from my feet up thoroughly checked. I figure I'm in pretty good shape for the next few decades anyway! The Dr. said that because of my young ripe age this could very possibly just "go away" one day (Fibro not nerve pain). For now all I can do is get stronger, fitter, healthier and LIVE DARN IT!!! I am now able to go a whole day without pain or exhaustion which is cause for my now more positive outlook. The rest is up to me to take care of myself as best I can. Phew....that was a long one! Now for life as we know it.....
I'm not going to go to much into Christmas because it was a while back already and I'm not trying to write a novel here. I will say that it was lovely, relaxed, filled with good friends and family and really what more can you ask for? Aidan was very thankful for his gifts this year and deserved every last one. Although the consumerism surrounding Christmas makes me cringe, still nothing compares to seeing a child light up because they got what they asked for or something special they didn't expect. Witnessing Aidan's excitement as well as the other children's that are close to us is a true gift in itself and really all I ever need (even though Judd spoiled me rotten). It's funny that most people I know are stressed for a month (some more, some less) before the big day arrives. We all run around like fools getting this and that in whatever way we see fit and somehow, even though my intentions are otherwise I tend also to succumb to the hustle and bustle of the season and loose sight of what's important. Then...that magical day arrives and all of a sudden everything is o.k. and I realize what's really important (to me) and I breathe it all in so deep and try to hang on to it forever! I think I'm going to find somewhere in my home where I can display the word....REMEMBER maybe then I won't forget.
The New Year has brought a steady stream of "things to do". We are kept fairly busy, sometimes we forget to just be, but in general it's a good thing. Aidan has begun his second session of Karate he is now in private swimming lessons so that hopefully he will actually learn something thanks to a mom's advice in the community who was also paying for public lessons that just don't measure up. We have also enrolled him in ice skating again as that was something he really wants to get good at. Aidan is growing up so fast it's like I blink and he's an inch taller and a few steps closer to independence. He has calls constantly from friends on the weekend asking him to do this or that and he's actually had to choose which friend he wants to play with that day on numerous occasions now. It's still so funny to me when I answer the phone and little boy voices are on the line asking if Aidan is home. He is excited today because he actually gets to have recess outside today as it's not bone chilling cold here for once! I have made Aidan a priority again, really my only important priority. I think I lost my grip on that for a while so I am trying hard to reconnect (which Aidan makes very easy because he is such an open-hearted forgiving child). How did I get to be so fortunate when it comes to him? All in all Aidan is busy, has more of a social life than I do and he is very happy and healthy!
Ichabod has left us....luckily for us we found a very nice family who wanted him very badly. It is working out really well for them and he is very content there as he gets fed fish and gets to chase mice (yes, they have a mouse problem). He is loved and is better off at his new home. He was getting a little out of hand for us (scratching the new cedar, meowing constantly, walking on our heads while we are sleeping, needing 2 litter boxes and special food and just being a general pain in the you know what). I know he is Siamese but, come on! I have determined I am not a cat person. I realized this when Ichabod went missing for a few days and all I could do was wish he never came back. Judd felt the same and well, Aidan would trade him in for a piece of gum if you offered it to him so really, he was not appreciated here. We are now cat-less and much happier that way but, secure in knowing that he is now loved and appreciated. Farewell Ichabod it was fun but, I wouldn't do it over again. and works and works. He works at work and then he works at home. He is wearing very thin and my "wife demands" are hard for him to keep up with after all the work. I am trying now to take on everything I can so all he has to do is work.....maybe one day we can reconnect too. Sometimes I forget to put myself in his shoes, I wouldn't be able to work as hard as him and I respect him for that. The basement is nearing completion now and it is absolutely gorgeous! I will post pictures when it is complete, so exciting! Having a nicely renovated house is a great thing (especially when your father pays much of the expense and does a lot of the work) but, I often wonder if it is worth the sacrifices. We will have a nice house when it's done but right now renovations (and Jim) monopolize our time and our every action. Right now Judd's composure is very high stress as Jim is here 7 days a week and there hasn't been a break for him as far as working is concerned. By the time he actually gets some down time he is ready to pass out. I never asked my father to renovate my home, don't get me wrong I appreciate it and respect his craft, help and giving nature VERY much but, will I have a marriage when the house is completed? That is unfortunately a real question right it worth it in the end, we will see. Oops there I go being honest again, and a little sarcastic to boot!
With all that being said and the way we've been feeling lately I received the following paragraph in my email this morning....ahhhh the way of the universe is so comforting!
Breaking the world's control over your emotions
A lot in our past can be chalked up to inexperience, youth, and happenstance. But now, as an adult, you must claim your choices and their consequences as your own. Negative attitudes affect your life by creating cynicism, a pessimistic outlook, and often a lack of confidence. Take note of the ways you are escaping responsibility for your attitude. Do you continually blame situations, friends and family, or life in general for your poor mindset? The world has influence, without a doubt, but growing into a mature person means taking control of your emotions and attitude. Own them!
So goals for 2009 are to reconnect, breathe a lot, remember what's important, own my emotions and attitude and most of all to LIVE! See you in the funny papers!
No time now to post pics except a tribute to Icky-Sticks....will post lots next time!
Long time no blog! Wow, did I ever leave you all "hanging" with that last post. I also got a lot of the uncomfortable " are you doing?". I've come to realize that people in general find honesty very unsettling. It's much better to pretend that everything is classically "I'm good how are you?" This may sound like I am again being pessimistic and you're probably all thinking..."here we go again" but, I can assure you that I am in good spirits and just feeling my way around humanity is all.
So, when I left you last I was angry, confused and totally "in my head". I come back to you clear minded, well rested and generally content. I have changed the blog address because there are certain someones that I no longer wish to share with and you can now only read this by invite. If you are reading this then you are lucky....kidding! On with the updates....
I have had all my testing done (Opthamologist, MRI, Neurology) and everything is very positive. The conclusive diagnosis is that I am a perfect specimen of a human being! My brain (not my mind) is in perfect condition, my heart beats steady, my eyes see clearly and my muscles are lean and plentiful. I have some possible nerve damage from a car accident that happened over 4 years ago now which is suspect to be causing migraine headaches (on a daily basis now) and some vision disturbances. I will be going on a new medication soon to help keep that at bay (ahhh modern medicine). I have one final Dr's appointment at the end of this month to review how my current medication is working (fabulously by the way!). I can see clearly now the rain is gone! So Fibromyalgia and a touch of nerve what a ride! I consider myself extremely blessed to have the Dr's that I did (which were all amazing, compassionate people) and to have had everything literally from my feet up thoroughly checked. I figure I'm in pretty good shape for the next few decades anyway! The Dr. said that because of my young ripe age this could very possibly just "go away" one day (Fibro not nerve pain). For now all I can do is get stronger, fitter, healthier and LIVE DARN IT!!! I am now able to go a whole day without pain or exhaustion which is cause for my now more positive outlook. The rest is up to me to take care of myself as best I can. Phew....that was a long one! Now for life as we know it.....
I'm not going to go to much into Christmas because it was a while back already and I'm not trying to write a novel here. I will say that it was lovely, relaxed, filled with good friends and family and really what more can you ask for? Aidan was very thankful for his gifts this year and deserved every last one. Although the consumerism surrounding Christmas makes me cringe, still nothing compares to seeing a child light up because they got what they asked for or something special they didn't expect. Witnessing Aidan's excitement as well as the other children's that are close to us is a true gift in itself and really all I ever need (even though Judd spoiled me rotten). It's funny that most people I know are stressed for a month (some more, some less) before the big day arrives. We all run around like fools getting this and that in whatever way we see fit and somehow, even though my intentions are otherwise I tend also to succumb to the hustle and bustle of the season and loose sight of what's important. Then...that magical day arrives and all of a sudden everything is o.k. and I realize what's really important (to me) and I breathe it all in so deep and try to hang on to it forever! I think I'm going to find somewhere in my home where I can display the word....REMEMBER maybe then I won't forget.
The New Year has brought a steady stream of "things to do". We are kept fairly busy, sometimes we forget to just be, but in general it's a good thing. Aidan has begun his second session of Karate he is now in private swimming lessons so that hopefully he will actually learn something thanks to a mom's advice in the community who was also paying for public lessons that just don't measure up. We have also enrolled him in ice skating again as that was something he really wants to get good at. Aidan is growing up so fast it's like I blink and he's an inch taller and a few steps closer to independence. He has calls constantly from friends on the weekend asking him to do this or that and he's actually had to choose which friend he wants to play with that day on numerous occasions now. It's still so funny to me when I answer the phone and little boy voices are on the line asking if Aidan is home. He is excited today because he actually gets to have recess outside today as it's not bone chilling cold here for once! I have made Aidan a priority again, really my only important priority. I think I lost my grip on that for a while so I am trying hard to reconnect (which Aidan makes very easy because he is such an open-hearted forgiving child). How did I get to be so fortunate when it comes to him? All in all Aidan is busy, has more of a social life than I do and he is very happy and healthy!
Ichabod has left us....luckily for us we found a very nice family who wanted him very badly. It is working out really well for them and he is very content there as he gets fed fish and gets to chase mice (yes, they have a mouse problem). He is loved and is better off at his new home. He was getting a little out of hand for us (scratching the new cedar, meowing constantly, walking on our heads while we are sleeping, needing 2 litter boxes and special food and just being a general pain in the you know what). I know he is Siamese but, come on! I have determined I am not a cat person. I realized this when Ichabod went missing for a few days and all I could do was wish he never came back. Judd felt the same and well, Aidan would trade him in for a piece of gum if you offered it to him so really, he was not appreciated here. We are now cat-less and much happier that way but, secure in knowing that he is now loved and appreciated. Farewell Ichabod it was fun but, I wouldn't do it over again. and works and works. He works at work and then he works at home. He is wearing very thin and my "wife demands" are hard for him to keep up with after all the work. I am trying now to take on everything I can so all he has to do is work.....maybe one day we can reconnect too. Sometimes I forget to put myself in his shoes, I wouldn't be able to work as hard as him and I respect him for that. The basement is nearing completion now and it is absolutely gorgeous! I will post pictures when it is complete, so exciting! Having a nicely renovated house is a great thing (especially when your father pays much of the expense and does a lot of the work) but, I often wonder if it is worth the sacrifices. We will have a nice house when it's done but right now renovations (and Jim) monopolize our time and our every action. Right now Judd's composure is very high stress as Jim is here 7 days a week and there hasn't been a break for him as far as working is concerned. By the time he actually gets some down time he is ready to pass out. I never asked my father to renovate my home, don't get me wrong I appreciate it and respect his craft, help and giving nature VERY much but, will I have a marriage when the house is completed? That is unfortunately a real question right it worth it in the end, we will see. Oops there I go being honest again, and a little sarcastic to boot!
With all that being said and the way we've been feeling lately I received the following paragraph in my email this morning....ahhhh the way of the universe is so comforting!
Breaking the world's control over your emotions
A lot in our past can be chalked up to inexperience, youth, and happenstance. But now, as an adult, you must claim your choices and their consequences as your own. Negative attitudes affect your life by creating cynicism, a pessimistic outlook, and often a lack of confidence. Take note of the ways you are escaping responsibility for your attitude. Do you continually blame situations, friends and family, or life in general for your poor mindset? The world has influence, without a doubt, but growing into a mature person means taking control of your emotions and attitude. Own them!
So goals for 2009 are to reconnect, breathe a lot, remember what's important, own my emotions and attitude and most of all to LIVE! See you in the funny papers!
No time now to post pics except a tribute to Icky-Sticks....will post lots next time!
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