Too much has probably happened so, I will do my best to recall the past few months and break it down for all of you.
Aidan finished his first set of private swimming lessons and I am SO impressed! It was worth every extra penny because he ended up passing his level 1 and partial level 2 in just 9 classes. He is like a little fish now and we are excited to start the second round next Friday. You see, his first class was supposed to be this past Friday but, I have no brain now since I started my new medication so after rushing to get there and making Aidan get naked in record time in the change room I discovered I had forgot his swim trunks....ooops! After a bout of crying, and a slush puppy to make up for my mistake I made a serious mental note to bring swim trunks to swimming from now on.
He also finished skating lessons which he did really well in but, we are taking a break right now from skating and karate until the fall. Soccer starts in a few weeks and Judd got suckered into being the head coach for this year. He is still desperately searching for an assistant coach because none of the other parents are able to do it. Judd was also voted onto the board of our community center....ahh how they grow up so fast!
Aidan's social life is flourishing, he is definitely taking after Judd in that respect. He loves to be surrounded by people and doesn't discriminate about who can be his friend. We are busy most weekends with play dates and I am getting to know some of the parents in the community very well. It's nice to be able to network with Aidan's friends parents. He is doing well in school and really in every other aspect of his life. He is still a joy although he is starting to get "boy" stink being so busy all the time so he now has a shower sometimes 2 times a day dependant on what he's doing. I've discovered that little boys are quite disgusting but, he's my disgusting boy and I love him just the same!
Judd is still working plenty. Things have slowed down a little around here and we have had lots of time to just be. Our marriage still has it's bumps but, we are doing substantially better and still finding our way. It's funny that we didn't have a whole lot of serious issues before marriage even though we had already been together for 6 years. As soon as that ring went on trouble started for some reason? I think mostly we just had too much on our plate since we said our I do's and now that things are calmer we are getting back to where we were. It is nice here and we are both committed to making it better with every day. The upstairs bathroom was completed about 3 weeks ago and it is absolutely gorgeous! I can say I am honestly torn between the two. Judd and Papa did such a great job on both bathrooms and we are really beginning to live in and enjoy our home. I thank my lucky stars each time I look around or show it off that I have a father who is willing and able to do all this for us!
Soon, we will be moving on with the renovations and onto the main floor and hopefully the kitchen come fall time. Then it's on to landscaping, garage and fence and finally done! By that time I'm sure something else will come up but, hopefully we'll be able to breathe it all in for a while first!
I am doing well, my business is flourishing finally people are catching on to it. My health is ho-hum some days good, some days not so good but, according to my Dr. this is my life now unless I want to take narcotics (which I DO NOT) I will just have to try my best and deal. I'm still trying to get into a healthy routine some days I falter and some days I don't but, summer is coming which gives me inspiration to get fit and healthy so here's hoping! He did give me a glimmer of hope in saying that normally chronic pain in younger people just disappears sometimes like one day I will wake up and it will be all gone!!! I was hoping I was there so I started to wean off my medication but, within a few days symptoms started to surface so I am back on for now. I've decided not to go back to work for now due to restrictions my Dr. has set out for me so my focus is maintaining a healthy lifestyle and hopefully being pain free most of my days. I am consistently improving otherwise. I have however decided to return to school. I will be upgrading at Red River starting in September and then hopefully on to their accelerated nursing program to become an RN. It is a wide enough field for me that if by the time I graduate if I am still dealing with pain I can go into a less demanding position for the same nursing wage. Or if I am feeling good I can do something that requires my entirety. It's something I wanted to do right after Aidan was born but, I just wasn't in a position where I could return to school. I am now in that position so if things stay stable this is now my goal.
Well, Judd just walked in with some delicious Chinese food....just returned from the circus with Aidan and 4 of his friends so no time for cooking! I'm off and I will post a few pics after dinner from the past few months!
Happiness & Health,
Judd, Sarah, Aidan & Kneesaa