So, went to the Rheumatologist on Monday as planned and much to my surprise and anticipation I actually got some answers! One thing was Raynaud's Phenomenon which is pretty much an intolerance to cold as well as poor circulation. I wasn't expecting that but my fingers and toes turned blue while I was there so it was pretty clear for her to see what was going on there. Also, Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain. Not so much a surprise to me or my mother who went with to support.
What does all this mean? Well for starters I am off work for a few months to get the pain, fatigue and headaches under control. Then it is only suggested I return to work part time...so much for my U Weight Loss Job...figures. Secondly my diet, my routine, my ideas of exercise and my life all HAVE to change. Last, I will as I have already encounter people that have so many opinions on what this is (or isn't) and how I should deal with it or how I did it to myself. I say to that....please ask me questions, I am happy to share. Need information, sure I already have tons of it. Support me, Judd and Aidan as we begin our journey to understand, ACCEPT and learn how to deal with this...absolutely please! If you don't know or don't care to know I don't want to know your opinion...clear? Yes! OK let's move on....
We are laughing at times about it (we can have a dark sense of humor), we cry about it and have

Enough about me yeesh....I will keep everyone up to date on my progress, I am looking at it as an adventure and what better excuse is there to lead a pure and simple life from this point forward! On with the show....
Aidan is PUMPED for Christmas, he has already made his list which had some interesting items that he not previously shared that he wanted such as a skateboard and sports events tickets. His big gift that he is hoping for is a Wii, unfortunately I don't think Santa will be loading that on his sleigh with an Aidan name tag this year and I have prepared Aidan for the outcome already. This year we are being creative with our gift giving and since I am home there will be a lot of more sentimental giving rather than merchandise. I think those are more cherished gifts anyway but, regularly it would be hard to find the time. I will let you know what they are after the season as I don't want to spoil the surprise! He is also big on the snow this year and was excited to finally see it fall last week. Let's say he is getting some pretty good use of his winter gear already and especially enjoys wrestling in the snow with Judd and Kneesaa!
Judd is on a mission of health again (last time was right before Mexico). He is on the treadmill every morning and does at least 5km of running each and every day! He is working up to 10km on the weekends and is frequently doing push-ups in the living room. I am secretly proud of him but, I make fun of him anyway because I am jealous of his dedication and drive. He has already lost the extra poundage he put on over the summer (beer would be the culprit) and looks fantastic as always!
Still no progress on the home reno's so nothing to say there, really other than the above we are just plugging along taking our happy moments where we can get them. Hope you are all happy and healthy and enjoying the winter weather!