So I promise I am not trying to make it a habit to take so long to update this thing, I will keep trying to do my best and be more consistent for those loyal readers!
As usual we will start with the center of our little world Aidan! His 5th birthday went off without a hitch, I think we had just the right amount of kids show up so that it wasn't too crazy and they all behaved really well which was a bonus for the parents. It was nice to get to talk to his friends parents for more than a moment passing in the hallway at the daycare. The theme was Pirates and of course we went all out with decorations, a pirate cake, pirate hats & tattoos and of course treasure chest loot bags! We rented a bouncer which was WELL worth the money for how long it kept the kids occupied! Aidan had tons of fun and was in a daze for the rest of the day and had a bit of a birthday hangover the following day!
Soccer finished up and we will be going to the awards this weekend where he receives his trophy for participating...when I was little we only got one if we won, I guess times have changed and it's all about "participation" not "winning". Aidan is not a natural soccer player by far and was more interested usually in what was for half time snack but I think he had fun none the less and met some new friends. I think next year it will get a little more structured which would be better to watch!
Finally our little man officially started Kindergarten today! He was soooo excited and got dressed really fast this morning, put on his backpack and was ready to go! He seemed a little nervous when we got there but warmed up pretty quick when he saw his new teacher which he has been saying "Bonjour" to in the hallway for the past year! I can't wait to pick him up and see how it went!
Judd has been busy with home renovations and him and Papa have gotten so much done in the past few months! The entire exterior is prepped and ready for stucco. 11 new windows and a new front door have gone in and we love every single one of them! They even built a new little porch in the front off the deck to give us some room for shoes and jackets. It is surreal that this is all happening so fast, I am very lucky to have the father I have who was willing to help us do all this! I will post some completed pictures after the weekend as they will be done the porch then too.
Wedding preparations are still under way and I was able to pick out and purchase my wedding dress in 3 hours flat with the help of my mom and maid of honor! I didn't really feel like a bride until then but I sure starting acting like one after that! I also got my new engagement ring which we upgraded the color and downgraded the clarity so that we wouldn't have to pay any extra. I have to say I absolutely love this one, and although it is not the original it is definitely the next best thing (and much more sparkle).
We are busy gearing up for the Bud, Spud & Steak wedding fundraiser on October 13th trying to get all the tickets out and organizing prizes for the raffle. So far so good and we are really getting excited to see everyone all at once! As a bonus it turned out that recording artist David Usher is going to be playing a show right after and the hotel is giving everyone at the Bud, Spud a discounted price for his show! Hope you all got your tickets so you can join the fun!
Kneessa is really depressed as I have been home with Mono for the past 2.5 weeks and haven't been taking her for walks so she mopes around and gives me puppy dog eyes, although we have done plenty of bonding and she now loves to sleep right on top of me while I have one of my many naps! I was feeling a bit better but then found out I also got strep throat so I am now on antibiotics for that as well! Hopefully I will be good as new soon so I can get on with all this planning I have going on! I go back to work next Wednesday...what a holiday, I spent most of it in bed! Ichabod is much skinnier and is busy killing small animals for sport outside which we find mean and greedy of him but CANNOT keep him inside as he just continuously does his worst Siamese meow at the door until we let him out. If you've ever had a Siamese cat, you know there is no ignoring him.
Well I think that the gist for now! Thanks to those who continuously check and are interested in our lives! Like I said I will try to update more regularly for you! Maybe I will get Judd to start updating...yeah right!
Take care everyone!
Love, Judd, Sarah, Aidan, Kneessa & Ichabod