Thought I would do a quick recap on the last week for you all. I wanted to post some pictures of the house and it's progress for everyone but the USB port inside my camera got damaged somehow and now I cannot load them directly on to the computer. I will go at some point this week and get them on a CD so I can post them.JUDD - He is still busy working hard on the house. The limestone came this weekend so he was outside pretty much every day last week putting Tyvek wrap on the house and getting it ready for the stone. On the weekend him and my dad put the rest of the plywood on and Judd spread out the limestone around the house. I guess we have to leave it there for a few years while the ground settles back down and then we can put in a permanent path again. Still no deck, but I think my dad and Judd will be starting that sometime this week. Other than that there is not really anything new there.
AIDAN - Aidan had an interesting week to say the least. He learnt lots of new really weird songs, I think he makes up a lot of them just to see our reaction when he sings them. He has learnt "Little Rabbit Fru Fru" which is one I know too and can sing along so thats lots of fun to do with him, he was quite impressed that I knew it! He dre
w a picture of a tree which I've scanned for all of your viewing pleasure. I know it's not much but to us it is art, and it actually resembles what the picture is which is not always the case! He also got into a fight at daycare on Wednesday. Apparently one of his friends wanted something from him and decided to head butt Aidan to get it. Aidan came home with a red mark on his forhead and did not forget to mention that "I didn't even cry, because I am a tough guy!" On Friday he was acting really weird before daycare and we took his temperature and he was fine so we sent him off. At about 1:00 pm we got the call that he had a 102 degree fever, needless to say Judd went home early to take care of him. After a long rest Aidan was feeling fine on Saturday so it must've been a 24 hour bug or something. The weekend consisted of playing outside in the sandbox, going for dinner with his grandpa and catching up on some video games and quality snuggling time with mom and dad!
SARAH - Nothing really new with me, still liking the job a lot, I'm always sort of waiting for the ball to drop and something really negative is going to happen there. I am not used to this sort of workplace at all. There is very little complaining going on because everyone seems to be content with their job. It is definately a change for me and I'm glad that if I had to go back to work it was with MTS. Trying to keep up with the Doula thing as well. I'm starting to get a little worried though as I have a workshop at the end of October and I need to read 3 more BIG books before then so the pressure is on! I haven't decided whether I will charge for the service when I am certified or if I will limit myself to families/women that can't afford one, I will have to see what the need is in each area first. That's about it with me, trying to stay happy and energetic and sneak in as much time as possible with my family unit. Had a suprise visit from Aunty Betty and Uncle Al on the weekend which is really was good to see them as it gets to be too long. Sometimes people need to seek us out to see us!
KNEESAA & ICHABOD - Kneesaa is especially happy these days as we have really been making an effort to play with her and also to take her for longer walks. On Sunday I took her out for a walk around the community for about 45 minutes and she was so content when she got home she just passed out! She also quite enjoys the new limestone that Judd put down and loves to mess it all up, needless to say I got the order that she is now to be tied up when outside. Ichabod is still galavanting around outside however he is starting to come in more often as the weather gets colder. I am trying to convince Judd to let me get another dog for Kneesaa, however I am loosing that battle pretty steadily. That's all for the animals in our life.
Here are some pictures from July when we went out to St.Malo for moms birthday. Thought some of you on the Feenstra side may want to put the ones of Aidan and Grandpa & Grandma in your albums! Take care everyone, will post again soon hopefully with some updated pictures!
Love Judd, Sarah, Aidan, Kneesaa and Ichabod

A Window Into Our Little Life...
We decided to start a blog page that everyone can go to and get updates and new photos as life is so full for us right now and we rarely get a chance to share with our extended family and friends what is new and interesting in our life. When we do get the chance we usually forget or omit information as it has been too long to recount all the events that have passed.I will try to update it weekly, maybe less frequently if not too much has happened, and hopefully you will all enjoy and get to know us a little more, a little better a little at a time!
Recent News and Events...
Judd - He has finally finished digging, taring and insulating around the perimeter of our entire house. For those of you who didn't know already he has been digging 5 feet down 2 feet wide along the house to replace the weeping tile, tar and insulate from the foundation up. Although it wasn't necessary to do this (no leaking or anything) it is something that not a lot of older houses have and apparently is a great thing to do for your foundation and basement walls....but I'm still not keen on both the front and back yards looking like a dump. Judd says it's a small price to pay for the peace of mind we'll have, I nod and smile. He is
working hard at Boyd as usual and even with all the work he does in and out of the house he still manages to be a supportive partner and a great dad! Not sure what the next project will be for fall but I will keep you posted and I will add some pictures of our beautiful mess of a house right now so you can see all the hard work. We also got a new roof thanks to Class A Services, we are really happy with it and excited to finish the rest of the outside to match.
Aidan - He started a new daycare at Assiniboine Children's Center, which is the one right across the street from us in Ecole Assiniboine School. There are over 160 children there so it is much more of a preschool environment than a daycare and he is very busy all day. He loves it though and has already managed to turn on the charm and has his own personal fan club which consists of mostly the leaders (day care workers) they say he is a great kid and they
are so happy and suprised with him. This has made us so proud so I apologize for the gloating, it's always nice to hear positive feed back about your children. He had a great 4th birthday and I think he has finally managed to play with all of his new things 1 month after the fact which gives you an idea of how much he all give him to much, how will I ever teach him the value of things! His most recent saying is "Quiet mouth, calm body and listening ears" this is a new one he learnt this week at daycare. We have been dilegently working with him the last month or so to learn his personal information and I am happy to announce that as of yesterday he can spell his first name, he knows his parents first and last names, he knows his street # and street name, he also can recite his phone #. Overall he is a joy and a blessing for us every day and he is doing really great right now.
Sarah - I have been up to quite a bit lately. I seem to always be the cause of our life changing in an instant, I figure it's the Gemini in me. I accepted a job with MTS and started on September 5, 2006. I will be working in wireline activations which is where I would activate MTS phone lines and MTS TV. I am really enjoying the benefits of working for such a large and unionized company, the wage is excellent and increases very frequently plus after my full time training I will only be working part time hours which will allow me to spend a lot more time with Aidan than I would be able to if I worked full time. I have already met a lot of great people and am having lots of fun there. I am also training to become a certified labor doula. I began my training in July and I am becoming more enthralled every day. If you want to see more about that check out my doula website at
In the meantime I try to stay as connected as I can with Aidan although he is quite exhausted from all the change going on and give Kneesaa as much attention as possible as she is feeling so neglected since I started work...poor puppy! I started Yoga for a little while at Yoga North but they shut down for a few weeks and now I need to find a new place to practise as I really enjoyed it and found it helped to center me quite a bit. I have also recently attempted to fit running into my schedule although that has dwindled quite a bit since I started work. Hopefully now that I am more comfortable with the whole back at work thing I can find a happy medium between MTS, doula studies, family, pets and exercise!
This picture was taken by Aidan with the digital camera...we may have a photographer in the family!
Kneesaa & Ichabod - Like I said before Kneesaa is feeling pretty neglected I think since I went back to work and Aidan is gone all day as well. We used to take her to the dog park on a daily basis and now she usually has to settle for a walk around the block. She continues to work on her tricks, for those of you who don't know she is now 9 months old and knows the following commands: sit, stay, stand, lay down, settle, shake (both paws), sit pretty, speak, wait (to take a treat), dance and her most recent learn is to do a 360 degree turn to the right and sit at the end...very cute! I really am starting to think she has some Border Collie in her as she learns so quickly and is eager to train for long periods of time. We are having some behaviour issues with her, she barks A LOT now at people passing by and noises. If she gets free from us she will run as fast as she can and we can not get her to come back for the life of us. Most recently she escaped yester
day morning and she couldn't even be bribed to come back with meat, Judd had to wait her out and finally she got into the car when she tired out from tormenting the neighbourhood. Overall though she is a great addition to the family and her and Aidan are getting along better day by day.
As for Ichabod, he stays pretty much to himself as he does not like Kneesaa at all. He is also an outdoor cat during the summer and only comes in to get food and cuddles from Aidan. He has had to give up his cat bed as Kneesaa now uses it to bury her bones in (no wonder he hates her so much!) He is actively bringing in dead birds and mice as gifts to his family and is as cute as ever!
Well that's our life for now, lots of change and new things to get used to. We are all happy and healthy and hope all of you reading this are to. I will try to get more pictures on here as we take them and then you can have free access to print ones of Aidan as we are usually not good at distributing them otherwise.
Love: Judd, Sarah, Aidan, Kneesaa & Ichabod