Thursday, January 06, 2011

Resolute Resolutions

Normally I am not one for resolutions but, how can I not participate in something that actually makes you stop and think about what good changes you want to make in the near future.  That's what I'm all about really, progression and growth and change (especially considering I change my mind every 5 seconds). 

I have yet to fully comprehend those people that are completely satisfied with who they much so that they actually express an unwillingness to evolve.  I can't tell you how many times I've heard a woman say to me "I am a bitch, who cares...that's just who I am."  Not to say you shouldn't be happy with your current circumstances or persona but, unless your on death's doorstep there is always room for more growth, more learning, more progression.

So my theme for 2011 (yes I have a theme) is love.  Love others, love myself. 

I "pretend" to love others, I do a lot for them and I try to maintain some sense of compassion and empathy in my relationships but, honestly I'm just as judgemental as the next wise ass and I'd like not to be.  I would like my opinions to be about important issues, life circumstances....things that matter.  Not about people.  I've come to realize as of late that until you walk in someone else's shoes (literally not figuratively) you can never have a valid opinion about how they carry themselves or how they carry out their days.  Sure, I will always instinctively want to judge people I think are irresponsible, mean, deceiving or just plain crazy but, I no longer feel like I need to have an opinion about them.  Sometimes, my judgment comes from the inability to understand another persons actions, maybe I am angry with them or maybe I see something in them that I do not like about myself.  Don't get me wrong...I will defend my character if attacked but, I am going to make a sincere attempt to lessen if not eliminate my sanctimonious attitudes (sometimes) towards others, especially people I don't have day-to-day contact with and really know very little about.  

For the "loving myself" portion I've compiled a list of things I would like to try my darnedest to complete, eliminate or attempt.  In no particular order, except the order they come out of my brain:

Drink more loose tea, now I'm talking super cool, different and beneficial teas.  Like the one's at Davids Tea introduced to me by some super cool family members!

Take my supplements religiously. You'd think that I would take them regularly considering my job and my knowledge but, for some reason I convince myself they really do nothing and almost as soon as I decide that I feel the negative effects of not taking them.  Maybe it's some form of self-torture....   

Stop self torture.  See former paragraph. 

Exercise long term.  I know...we've seen this one before, multiple times in fact.  I reeeaaally am going to give this my 100% attention this year.  Not because I want to but, I need to.   If my health continues to deteriorate like it has in the past 8 years I am seriously fearful to see where it'll be in another decade.  My problem with exercise is that I go hard and go all out for about 30-60 days and then I find some excuse to stop for a while and just like that....I am stagnant, again.  My approach this year is going to be variety (changing the routine every 30 days) and long term achievable results.  No more P90X for me, I am one who really needs to start small.  If all goes well maybe P90X will make the roster for 2012.

Drink more water, eat better, regiment my eating.  Technically that was 3 but, they go together so get off my back about it would ya.  Pretty self explanatory.  Meeting with hubby's sister in 2 days to develop a plan (personal trainer).  She's got some ideas I've actually never heard before, they intrigue me....remind me to write about it later.

Complete the 365 project.  Because it's awesome and what other way would you actually be able to remember at least one part of each day for a whole year.  You should do it too.  Right now.....I'm waiting.  Follow me here if you do!

Keep adding to my Bucketlist and hopefully start crossing some off.  Might be able to do the Vegas thing at some point this year and once I know what's going on with my health, I'm going to do the blood thing (if I can).  Totally going to faint and hyperventilate, wonder who I'll rope into going with me for hand holding purposes?

To NOT watch season 3 of Jersey Shore this year.  Oh, who I am's worth the brain cells I'll lose for that kind of train-wreck entertainment! *fist pump*

Quit that dirty, nasty, disgusting habit some call smoking.  Oh GOD did I seriously just type this?  I am so ashamed that I actually started doing it AGAIN.  So, yeah that too.

 That's all she wrote.  Wish me luck, I wish you luck with whatever resolutions and/or goals you've laid out for 2011.  It's gonna be a good year people, I can feel it and according to the Mayans we've got less than 2 years left until the end of this make it count, while you still can.

Cue: Twilight Zone theme song.  Nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee....

 Hitch-hiker: I believe you're way?

- The St.Godard Brood Keeper (Looking forward, never backward....except when someone is following me and I need to give them the stink eye)

1 comment:

  1. I am always impressed with you when you find courage to write so honestly. Not many people will do that. I think that you have set a beautiful goal for 2011. I am going to do everything I can to help you and I think I may join you on a few of your plans for the new year. Good on ya. <3
